Burn The Witch
I’ve been kind of slacking when it comes to finding a night job…until today. Everyone on my team should be getting at least thirty hours a week, since our supervisor is on maternity leave. For whatever reason, hours got cut, so now instead of getting thirty next week, I get one day, which is probably 5-7 hours. Bah.
The most likely reason is that the third manager of the store, who basically handles merchandise and most of the personnel stuff, is getting transferred to Utah to become an assistant manager. That’s awesome for him, and he completely deserves the promotion. However, now the assistant manager, who literally every person in the store hates(other than myself, for now, anyway) has more power, and any time you’d go to the other manager, you now have to go to her. Supposedly, she gets incentives based on how few hours the store uses/the employees get. I’m not sure if it’s true, but if it is, that explains the sudden drop in hours. Seems like a conflict of interest.
So I need to find a new job, most likely. I was making enough to get by, but I’ll have to pay back my stupid taxes, plus I need to get my car fixed, and I wanted some extra money anyway. Perhaps this will blow over, but it seems unlikely. I imagine at least a few people are going to quit. Everyone loves the store manager, but apparently he’s been approached numerous times about the assistant manager, and nothing ends up happening. Perhaps there’s nothing he can do. Not only things like this, but also the asst. manager is apparently a huge bitch and really rude to everyone. I haven’t experienced it, but one of my super-nice and not rude at all friends got fired from there because of her, so it seems legit. I hope people at least fight it/her, but it seems doubtful. People give up too easily, and corporations will always go for numbers/money before people. Sad. Anyway, my plans for the day, whatever they were, now consist pretty much of job hunting.
It’s a shame, too. I’ve been feeling better lately. Not physically; I’ve had neck problems, I think I broke my big toe or something, and there’s general soreness, but that’s because I’ve been active. A couple days ago I walked to work and back, and then some, and for the past several days I’ve ran at least a mile every day. Physically it’s catching up with me, but mentally I’ve felt amazing. Like some invisible wall has been broken, and I’m able to make progress where I couldn’t before. My days have felt more productive lately. I need to stop slacking on learning Hiragana, but otherwise things are good. I haven’t played much bass lately, but I’ve been hanging out with the usual crowd. Anyway, I think I’m on to something good here, I just need to stick with it. And, hell, now that I need to find a job, and my car sucks, I get the feeling I’ll be doing lots of walking around, so that will help.
Uhh…lost my train of thought, roomie got home and we hung out for a bit so I got distracted. Anyway, time to stop procrastinating and apply at places! Digitally. One gig sounds decent enough, doing basic HTML work, which I used to know, but am pretty fuzzy on. I’d have to look over everything, try and re-learn it real quickly, and make some sort of document to submit to them with my resume. Which might be worth it. Will I do it? Probably not! Laters.
good luck with the job hunt! hope it goes well. =)
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That last line made me smile. After all the talk in the entry it sounds like you found something better to do. haha. Sucks about the crappy hours but hopefully you’ll find something else to fill the time/paycheck. I really need to get back to being active. It was great for a few days and then I hit a wall and went in the opposite direction. Keep at it =)
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good luck finding the new job! 🙂 I work nights in a servo and that’s easy as most of the time, but bloody frustrating at others lol
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