You wont see many of these now


Something happened this weekend which I hadn’t expected at all. But impacts on something that has become like a spare part to me, something I happily lug from one spot to another spot. I just cant juggle everything to include it all the time with the replacement and I shall miss it something terrible…and the replacement has not won favours in my heart yet…I suspect it will…but right now it feels foreign and a bit frustrating I cant get the same or better results which my old faithful would have given my.

Oh and I feel guilty or so guilty as it cost far more than I would ever spend on myself in a million years and its all djd’s fault. Of course I love him for it but does not deminish the guilt.

And I think of all the things we should be spending money on and I think of the holiday that may come our way….only the slimmest of chances, minute,  but all the same we will need money for it if it comes off (watch out Oulin we maybe on your doorstep 🙂

Oh and the other thing is I will have to go to night classes just to learn how to get the best out of the replacement cause it cost so much that I have to use it to its best advantage.

Oh and djd was meant to get his dream purchase and now he cant until we have some more reserves and what happens if we cant get him one before the trip to Bali……should the other trip not work out……(Kemma tips for Death Valley may be required!!)

Oh and then we were due out to stay in town over night at a historical boutique hotel and go for dinner and I felt so bad about more money being spent…but we went….and we had a really relaxing meal… with a charming hostess who bless her really was a novice …and we choose to eat at the hotel as we had a voucher to pay for dinner instead of going anywhere else….not that its not a wonderful restuarant but I had kinda wanted to eat Turkish but the Turkish restuarant didnt confirm a booking so we stayed in:)

Oh and then we turned into such wicked people….feeling relaxed and happy a couple of glasses of wine in us we decided to have a port to finish the night and our naive lovely hostess used a large wine glass and half filled it!!! Thats not the way to serve port…..and we didnt tell her and we both looked at each other and both thought ..yep we’ll get a second glass!!! and we did and retired to our room.

Oh and then worse!! when I went to check out….I had the dinner voucher in my hand to hand over and djd was already saying no just pay for the meal cause we drank a bottle of port last night!! and I’m going no way….we have spent enough this weekend.

So I stand at the counter to check out djd already walking to the car to pack up and the woman behind the counter says thats fine all done…but wait have you already taken the voucher into account….I’m confused….so I say thats everything paid for…yep all done….oh ok…and I walk away…well run almost to the car to see djd, I know deep down they have mucked up again….the dinner we had obviously hasn’t gone thru….and we leave….guilty…but none the less we leave….all because something was brought for me far more than I would ever spend on myself….tomorrow I will go back to the hotel and confess!

So what has caused me all this angst….what has caused me to feel so out of place because money was spent on me….what is replacing something that I hold dear to me…what could cause me to go through such emotions over one weekend






The Cannon EOS 400D….with two lens … one lens with anti shake capabilities…one with 90 to 300 zoom…basically more than I will probably ever know how to use….but must…

and sadly my other camera will probably eventually start to gather dust 🙁

So in tribute to the old… here are some of the last pictures it has taken

Oh and why did I get it…cause today was my birthday….Arbi you were out by one day but I head into my 45th year at the age of 44 🙂

   From the Garden 





 Creatures around our house



 And the winning smile


 I love the sunsets


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January 27, 2007

Happy Birthday ( belated…sorry) and I for one totally understand your passion for good cameras…..I think you made a good choice…am quite envious actually…LOL Congratulations. And these pics are a fitting tribute to your old camera……I am sure someone will get much joy from it…you can sell it on TradeMe and recap some of your losses. Enjoy your deserve it. hugs P

January 27, 2007

Oh no!!!! I have competition lol, what a gorgeous camera!! Happy birthday, you deserve every bit of it. *hugs*

January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday, Great camera. Looking forward to seeing some pics from it. Take Care – Hugs x

January 28, 2007

great shots ! Belated Happy B’day and heyyyyyy just Enjoy that’s one heck of a new toy and use it as well as you did the last one , get some card, print your pics with Mc Dinzie titles and sell them, then it pays for itself …….n’est pas? PS you’d sell heaps of that older shot of Mr or Ms Cat so go for it girl !!!!

January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday, albeit a little late. I’m sure that once you conquer all the facets of the new camera it too will be a natural fit just like the old one. I look forward to seeing your pictures!

wow! i kinda thought that you were aiming to come to vegas if you could, we just had a huge computer/electonics convention where all the future software is unveiled. and happy birthday! you are special. you are aquarian. i bet we would get along fine! re our weather here in april? Temperature Mean Temperature 61 °F / 16 °C 64 °F / 17 °C Max Temperature 69 °F / 20 °C 76 °F /24 °C 91 °F / 32 °C (1985) Min Temperature 53 °F / 11 °C 52 °F / 11 °C 38 °F / 3 °C (1950) we get a couple of hours evert day where it gets really warm. and a couple of hours at night where it calls for a sweather. vegas is huge. there is so much to see and do here that no one gets to see it all.

those temps were for april 10. later than that is warmer than that…by abt 10 degrees..

all i have is a twin bed in my spare bedroom or i would invite you to stay here. ahh. you travel half way around the world. you will want to stay in a big hotel here anyway.

January 28, 2007

happy birthday!!! that’s a very nice camera. the first critter you showed is scary!! the second one of the cat is adorable! and i love the smile on the dog!! he’s beautiful!! take care,

January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday! And if those photos are with the *old* camera, my goodness, what fantastic stuff is in store with the new? And what WAS your old camera, anyways? Because I always thought your shots were amazing. I will give you any tips you wish. I think DV is one of the best places in the world. Rustic, to be sure, but I could keep you busy in there for 10 days at least. You know, thereare native rock paintings just outside the park bounds, on an Air Force reserve? Apparently, a wonderful hike-in with a docent, and well preserved. We will try seeing those next year. And we’re hoping that our next-month trip (less than 3 weeks away!) will have us seeing snow in the high desert, too. Very exciting stuff.

good for you – the Cannon line has been great. The only reason I shoot Nikon is because of the lenses I already had.

January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday…and what a present. You’ll have it pumping out gorgeous photos in no time! I look forward to seeing more!

January 28, 2007

Happy birthday! Congratulations on your birthday present. How very exciting. But be careful, you’re liable to find yourself doing all sorts of crazy things now. Just ask my husband. 😉

I can’t imagine you taking even better photos than you already do – but you will, I’m sure. And you’ll grow to love this new Canon. I grinned at the lass pouring out the port so liberally; she’s obviously not a drinker. It reminded me of two of us visiting a friend (a nun) at her father’s house some years ago. She offered us sherry – and served it in tumblers – full ones! Very relaxed we were thatevening!

January 28, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA… HHAAPPPPYYYYYY BIIIRRTTHHDDDAAAAAAYYYYYYYY XXX all the best best chick-a-de BTW there will be a day you will be so happy to have brought the camera

January 28, 2007

I am so glad You have it sweets..6 months and your 1st exhibition :O) what will the theme be I wonder :O) A bottle of ‘free’ port between us was just what the doc ordered for a birthday meal..:O)

January 29, 2007

you lucky thing! I hope you have hours and hours of fun – I know you will!