Whho let another year pass to make me older?!?!?!

I turned 43 yesterday!!!  Not that old but older than I had been. I live in a false bubble of believing I’m 40…not because I’m vain and dont want people to know how old I am but more the fact that I cant believe I have passed 40 and I actually have to do the maths in my head to remind myself how old I really am. A good place to be I think 🙂 no major hang ups about my age…never have…but I am told that when 50 looms I may feel differently about the age thing….we shall see 🙂

Had a rather relaxing weekend, went out yesterday and brought a new lounge suite…red!!! Only today we were talking about it with mum and djd and I could not agree on what kind of red we had brought…so tomorrow I shall have to go back to the shop and check the colour out…..good thing he’s not colour blind or he would have thought we had brought a green one!!!

Mum is talking about going back on Wednesday to her house….there is no pressure from us for her to do this but she feels more settled now and has said the next time there is a news and if it happens to be bad she will go to my sis….not sure how this will work out but then I dont know what the next bit of "news" will be. Has been great having her here as she has been slowly moving about our garden and weeding….she has managed to get half way thru in one week…not bad 🙂

SAE passed her NCEA (High School exams). So off to Uni she goes in a few weeks to train for the next 4 years to become a teacher!! This is the first time as a parent I feel that she has her life under control. She has a saturday job and now she has a casual oncall job at "the Stadium" for any functions that are on…like rugby and cricket and private functions etc. So hopefully she will be far more independant than she has ever been. She has even started a savings account….I do have to wonder though how much of this can be contributed to the current boyfriend who is a rather sensible young man who if they were a lot older I would hope they would be committing to each other….but alas he is a year younger than my daughter still in High School and life will be very different for them both next year. Part of  me wants this to last, part of me knows that  they will both have a different life this year and part of me wishes they had met when older…oh well…just a hopefull mother I guess 🙂 What will be will be.

Right off to see the news and relieve djd from m-i-l duty 🙂

Till next time

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January 28, 2006

belated happy bday! you seem very proud of your daughter. do hope things go well for her and her bf. its nice to hear a mom approving their child’s partner. hope things go well and take care.

January 28, 2006

I’m sorry, I knew it was coming up and had every intention of sending you an email to celebrate your big day, then suddenly it slipped right past me. Glad it was a great day for you…..and remember that a year older is hopefully a year wiser…lol. much love as always

A belated happy birthday! I enjoyed my forties – but enjoyed my fifties even more! I hope you do, too. (enjoy both decades, I mean.) That is great news about your daughter. Maaybe she and her boyfriend will stay together? He sounds a very nice young man.

January 29, 2006

Happy 21st I mean 40th birthday :o) Glad to hear things are looking up with your daughter, btw where is she living now? your place or her fathers?