What no holiday story or pics?

Well  just what could be so important that I would  write an entry and  not have  a holiday  story or  piccies!!!

Well lets see

I could tell you about the awful weather that caused one of our major roads in and out of Wellington to have a slip that effectively turned a 4 lane motorway to 2 lanes, one in and one out. It also forced about 60% of the traffic onto the only other 4 laned motorway out of the city. Major problems for a week!

I could tell you about a job I saw and applied for and got to meet a dweebie agent who was fresh out of nappies and didnt know how to interview anyone and after asking me a question about what will you ask them and me starting to give examples of what I would and him promptly starting to answer for the company!!!
I could tell you that my daughter took her boyfriend up to Palmy to see my mother and stayed a few nights, where she promplty became ill. Off to the doctor and a worried nana’s mind proved correct that she was ill enough to have pills and gargles to clear the infection in the throat and chest and then the light entertainment for my mother as the boyfriend then fretted and fussed about after my daughter.

I could tell you that even after me leaving dweebie and having absolutely no confidence in him, he did decide to forward my CV and I just hoped like hell that my CV would speak for me as dweebie certainly wouldn’t be able to!!

I could tell you about the fact we got the cable people out last weekend so we could finely get broadband installed only to be told that the power coming up the cable wasn’t giving enough output to run the tv and broadband so they would have to boost it. Of course this wouldn’t actually happen that day. But the technician decided that she would at least set up the cable ready steady to go. Only she was unable to drill through the upstairs floor to the ceiling in the garage even though she had a drill about 40cm long. And the drill bit that she used on the concrete on the outside of the house was now imbedded into the wall as the battery had gone dead on her handdrill. So she would come back…and get the power boosted….sounds good I guess.

I could tell you dweebie rang me with a tang of surprise to say they wanted to interview me…Cool….and so off I go to have an interview, role is manager admin, large bank, IT division with 4 direct reports, looking after admin role for 400 staff…hmmm..interview went fairly well I thought…

I could tell you that at work the GM was away and we had an acting one and the ship has been running very smoothly and I got to play mother to somebody new 🙂

I could tell you that dweebie rang me with even more surprise but a tinge of antcipated excitement that I have made it to a second interview with a high ranking manager and somebody else. At this point my head is now starting to whiz with the things I could do and how to get this across without sounding like a know all. So a quick email to the recently departed manager who I would always go and bounce idea’s off etc and I had a process in my head of what I would do should I get the job.

I could tell you about the 56 new lilly bulbs we had delivered the other week, of which we have planted half of them in new square planter boxes. So along with the 40plus lilly’s we already have in pots, should be a bumper crop this year.

I could tell you that the second interview was such a strategic focus that I was really glad that I had done my homework and am so proud of the fact that I could not have done any better than I did do and now its in the hands of the gods as to how I would go.

I could tell you about George the cat who nearly got killed the other day for wanting to play the "chase your feet as they hang out of the bed" game with djd the other morning. Words like spade, back of the head, your living a thin line were being uttered.

I could tell you that dweebie rang having now realised I was his last hope of getting a commission to say that they wanted to do reference checks.

I could tell you that I had a rather curt telephone conversation with the cable people who seemed rather surprised that there was nobody at the house on Tuesday when their technician was there to play with the cable again. I very sutibly (not) told them that there would be nobody at the house as nobody had communicated with us that they wished to come back on that day….so the up shot is…I have no idea when they will be back…

I could tell you they offered me the job and I agreed to take it and start at the bank on the 14th August and I could also tell you when I told my boss who returned from a 5 week holiday overseas today that he was in shock, not many words were spoken between us for 5 minutes as the reality sunk in and then his words were "gobsmacked and I just didn’t this coming at all". Modesty is not my strong point but I realise my going is going to cause a huge gap in this organisation until they get somebody else up and trained. I shall miss the place really, but its time to move on and face my next challenge.

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July 12, 2006

I guess I could tell you congrats onthe new job, and hope that you get the broadband sorted out soon …LOL! Take care!

July 12, 2006

WOW thats fantastic news! Congrats *hugs* PS I actuallly enjoyed this entry it’s different from the usual gabble that on I read on OD

July 12, 2006

That’s great news… we are both doing well with jobs this year huh! Actually we seem to follow one anothers paths..new camera, new job..now I just need a great holiday to keep up with you! *hugs*

July 12, 2006

Wonderful news! Congratulations to you….your new job sounds very interesting and responsible. I hope it leaves you enough time to post more photos…priorities, you know! Maybe you could bring Dweebie along with you and mentor him into adulthood.

July 12, 2006

Well you have a lot more things that you could tell us than I do, see I told you my life was basically pretty boring. 🙂 Congrats on the new adventure/job. 🙂

all good news! thanks for sharing

July 13, 2006

That’s fantastic! Goood going, you star! Why not phone Dweebie back, and suggest as it must have been you alone that got the job, he should split the comission with you!

July 15, 2006

Ryn:- 2 new countries since November. 🙂 It’s not easy, but the good times are good!

Oh, you got it!!!!! In spite of Dweebie! Congratulations!! Now, when you finally get broadband as well (How have you managed without it as long as this?!) then life will be perfect…. except for….

July 29, 2006

How is the transition over to your new job going? That period when you finish up to leave is always so difficult.