What a beautiful day

Wow what a beautiful day……big blue sky just a minor touch of a breeze, now what are we going to do with it!!!

Mum arrived yesterday, we had been out shopping buying her an electric blanket to put on her bed and completely lost track of the time and realised as we got back to the car that we were already 15 minutes late and had a 10 minute drive to get to the train station!! I’ve never been late in picking her up but the bus has always been late in arriving……but we just knew that this would be one occassion the bus would be on time!! Sure enough there was mum frantically waving to us as we pulled into the car park…….but she had only been there 5 minutes as the bus had been 20 minutres late……phew. There is no worse a feeling as to be standing around waiting for somebody to arrive and time marches by and you begin to wonder what you should be doing about trying to locate them. Its time we got mum a mobile phone so we can keep tabs on her :)) On a more serious note it would be a good idea for her to have one for her own safety at times, especially when she is out in that car of hers!

Heard from one of my nieces yesterday. She has moved up to Wellington with her boyfriend and are moving into a flat in a few weeks and she is off looking for a job. All sounds quite normal doesn’t it except am I being completely old fashioned when I say she is only 17(by 4 days)!!! She has taken a year off from schooling to have a break and then I think she plans to go to Poly next year. I think I’m probably more worried that SAE is going to catch up with her and think this a great idea and give up school herself and move in with the boyfriend in a couple of months when she turns 17!! Nothing one can do to stop these things but it all just sooooo young. Taking on so much responsibility of an adult world and are they really ready for it?? Anyway my nieces mother (middle sister) lives in Chch and we were planning on catching up with her while down there so we will be able to compare notes on our girls over a glass of wine or two 🙂

Have to seriously start thinking about what to do today, would be a great day to spend in the garden but I think that might be a bit anti social considering I talked mum in coming down, so we will have to go somewhere. I’m too scared to mention a garden centre to DJD as that will only mean trouble when he see’s all the plants but there is one here that has lots of other nic nac type of stuff I quite like to look at to get idea’s that I never do, but interesting…..I might have to suggest it and then just accidently lock him in the car…hee hee.

Right breakie time and then time to get the household moving.

Till next time diary

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April 11, 2004

glad to hear you are having some ‘real’ time to yourselves, together, even if you have your mum in tow. I guess also that your tooth smile has returned happily!!! enjoy the rest of today, hope your weather is more suited to gardening than ours is. Mind you, I was in Tauranga yesterday at a beach picnic and it was gloriously warm. hugs

April 19, 2004

RYN: thanx for the support As for your niece, I wouldn’t be surprised if she talfs your daughter into moving in with them