

I’m a  bit miffed with myself for not having finished off the Vanuatu trip.

Tomorrow I head off to Sydney to meet up with DJD who has been there all week to spend a *clean weekend* with him…..do you believe me….bet you dont!!!

I’ve been to Sydney many many years ago and I understand its changed some what since I was there….but we wont be staying in Sydney much and am moving up to the Blue Mountains to a place up there in called Jemby Rinjah Eco Lodge where we are really hoping to see lots of wild life, espically birds.

I’ve had the odd (ok lots) of txts from djd and he found some Ibis beside the conference area he is at and already is one up on the photo’s having taken his camera across already 🙂

I have missed him so much this time, its different when he is another part of the country at least we get to talk on the phone, we still get to see the same tv programmes etc but this time he has been away for over 3 days and its really sad around here without him 🙁 and then to top it off i took the dogs to the kennels tonight and didn’t even get a decent chance to give them a cuddle goodbye and its so lonely in this house 🙁

and I still dont have wireless on my laptop and it means I have to enter the domain of the djd to use a computer….feels like I am being a naughty girl being in here…very foreign!!

Tomorrow I am off to get my hair cut and coloured as the grey is taking over once again and we cant have that!!! and I have yet to pack!!! its gonna be  a mad day tomorrow and I also will have to enter the next 4 days of photo’s for djd before I go.

Hope we get lots of chances to take piccies….I’m sure we will eventually emerge from the room *grin*

so till next time diary…will finish off Vanuatu and start Sydney 🙂

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November 15, 2006

You know what is the best thing about this entry? It’s how much you are saying you love DJD without even saying it! How wonderful to be so in love! I hope you have a great time and yes, bring back lots of photos! RYN: Wish you could take the classes with me too!

November 15, 2006

Getting away for a clean weekend is very labour intensive, isn’t it? But you’ll be going with cute hair and that is very important. Looking forward to more photos.

November 15, 2006

enjoy your time away! a weekend or so away would be so nice. take care,

ahhh. have a great time! i look forward to seeing your pics when you return.

I hope you had a really great weekend.

November 22, 2006

have a great time in Sydney, although by the time you read this you will probably have enjoyed the trip and be hopme again back into routine. ( I had no pc for 8 days, thats why I am behind noting) hugs P

November 23, 2006

I’m laughing imagining the young man doing his best to uphold his turkey tradition! Nice that he and some of the others were given the day off for their celebration! Shall I save some leftovers for you and DJD? 🙂

November 25, 2006

Did you have a nice trip? You need to write again! Of course since you are heading into the nice weather you probably aren’t in the house much these days. Is your high speed connection working yet?