Weekends come and go too fast

Last weekend we were in Christchurch enjoying the most beautiful day, a true Indian summer day. We wondered around the Arts Centre and through Hagley Park and then went for a drive south of Christchurch as I just had to take djd over the longest bridge in NZ 🙂 Then we drove a big circle around Chch and saw the Southern Alps and a beautiful river and a nice stop off at a winery. And that was only the first day!!

Over all it was a lovely break the weather for the rest of the time although not as hot and sunny as the Saturday was still mild enough for us to enjoy it.

It was just so nice to be with djd and not having to go to work and just eating when we wanted and doing what we wanted and just chattering away to each other all the time. It always amazes me that djd and I never seem to run out of conversation. We often go to resturuants and see other couples sit there for the entire meal and never say a word to each other. We made a pact sometime ago that if we ever get to that stage we just call it quits!

At the moment there is a nice young man down in our garage fixing up the damage the dog did well over a year ago…in fact it could be almost 2 years!! She got bored in the garage one day and decided to eat one of the internal walls, destroying it by about a metre high and half a metre wide. So hes replaced the board and plastered it and is now sanding and about to paint it. Its so good to have a chippy who you can rely on and does an alright job.

SAE tells me that dh has decided to move house, and its about time!! SAE dosen’t even have a bedroom currently in the place he is in. He seems to think that this is acceptable!!! for a young woman in a house full of men (4) to not have her own space and to sleep in the lounge!!! She also tells me that out original dog Ben who was 14 had to put to sleep a few weeks back as he was just suffering with old age. It upset me more that she didn’t think to tell me at the time that it was happening so I could have said a farewell to him in my mind if not in person. Now our my other dog Cola is going to her grandfather as he is lonely and ben is gone (he had ben for the last 10 years) which is ok I guess although I had sort of hoped that if we get the final word that we are staying here in Welly that I could take her back for the last part of her life. Still I think she will be ok where she is going as he will look after her I am sure.

Well the kitchen is a mess, and the loung is disgusting so better go and do some useful work instead of being lazy here.

Till next time diary.


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April 23, 2004

you missed the highlight of the weekend – My Kite !!!!!! Sweets – we will always have something to say to each other… even if it is just me getting told off :O) Ok – I’d better help you with teh housework I guess :O

April 23, 2004

I am also appalled that SAE has had to sleep in the liunge all this time, its not acceptable is it? Glad he is doing something about that. Hey, I chuckled at your typo…you say ‘ we wondered around the art gallery’….what did you wonder, I wonder???? LOL Always nice to read you hun, it doesn’t happen often enough…love