The best layed plans!!

Well this weekend we promised ourselves to get out there and do something and Saturday we did at least get into the garden for a few hours if nothing else.

I rang the soil man and got a metre worth of soil and compost delivered, even to the disbelief of a certian djd who told me there is no way they will deliver the soil on the same day as I ring them!! Oh how wrong was he!!

We pulled a few more weeds and started to dig up the dahlia tubers. Who would think that we had so many and we’ve only dug up a tenth of what we do have!!! djd keeps threatening to eat them cause apparently you can!! well if we have a natural disaster we know exactly where we can get a food supply from 🙂

Sunday unfortunately I’m not feeling to flash so that put paid to going into the garden for me, djd did move a few wheelbarrows of soil but after dumping it in the area we had marked out as the new border, he had a change of mind about the shape and all that soil now needs to be moved! Kinda put him off from being too enthusiastic about it all. Can’t blame him I wasn’t helping at all.

Cola decided that it would be fun to go outside and roll in something completely disgusting. I had to give her a shower so I could clean her up, that wasn’t too much fun but getting dirty must have been real fun!!! Why do dogs do that? I suppose there its animal instinct that makes them want to do that, for what ever reason, but your in my house dog behave!! Oh and both dogs are now moulting, off with the summer coat and on with the winter one. Fur everywhere!!

George loves the garden, well he loves the sun and the Totara tree where he sharpens his claws much to our disgust. Just to show George enjoying the sun here’s a piccie of him.

Can you see him?

Ok what about now?

Djd did mention something on Saturday night about getting up early and walking the dog or something similar, I’m sure it went in one ear and in no way did it go out the other!! So I duly woke up when cola started barking in the garage, as she does every morning. She slept in this morning though, instead of 5.30am it was 7am, must have been all that exercise of getting dirty and clean all in one day.

Just as I was slipping back into bed I noticed the sky outside our bedroom window has a distinct tingle of red, oh goody a sun rise…grabbed the camera and in my sleepy blurry eyed state I took a couple of pics from the bedroom window. I’m sure they arent the best of quality but you’ll get the idea of the view from one of our bedroom windows 🙂

Some people who think they know me might say I’m somewhat impulsive. If I get an idea I usually dont let up until it is done or it is proven to be too difficult. So earlier this week after findiing out that djd couldn’t swing a business trip to dunedin meaning we wouldn’t be able have a weekend in dunedin catching up with big sis (so sorry southernkaybelles) and with the work commitments that I have coming up in June/July thru to September, I decided I would just take a week off at the end of May prior to all the madness that will occur soon. I was just going to bum around home and blob out, but a certain djd decided that would be just too depressing him going to work and me not, that he decided he would take that time off as well and oh lets also look at going to where the sun is and perhaps go to Vanuatu.

So my latest project is now costing out a break in Vanuatu or Bali. By early next week we should know where we are off too. We’ve both been to Vanuatu before, within the first 6 months of knowing each other, still in our honeymoon  period  🙂  We have such great memories of the place but last time we stayed in a bungelow and this time its too expensive, so hope our memories are not ruined but enhanced if this is where we end up going. Bali, djd has been to before and he loved it and is always going on about taking me over, so maybe this will be the time. 

Time to go get a nibble or two!

Till next time diary!

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April 22, 2006

If you go to Bali are you going to do what most tourist’s do and get your hair braided on the beach 😉 I’d like to check out Norfolk Island, apparently it’s very relaxed and yet beautiful. Nice to have dreams! Good luck on the decision and may Cola keep smelling of roses! *hugs*

April 23, 2006

I’m sure we will get down there sometime …. just nothing fitting in at the moment …..

April 23, 2006

george looks like Goober, he must have a twin over here. RYN: Yes, we have international calling but I can’t really afford to pay the bill on that one, it’s not included, it’s extra. I’m assuming they would have called me if she had drowned or been eaten by a shark, I can probably make it one more week. She called us from Australia once and that was over $100. 🙂

April 23, 2006

such wonderful places to go to for vacation!! i need to start in my gardens for spring. i want lots of mulch. i need lots of mulch! dogs!! they do such strange things but you just gotta love them. that’s a very beautiful cat. take care,

April 23, 2006

such a pretty place. I’m loving George.. what a sweetie.

I’m sorry you were offcoIour yesterday; do hope you are feeling ok again now. George looks so comfortable! And at least he sharpens his claws outside, not on your couch! As for the holiday, you know what I’d suggest, I suspect. Bali is beautiful any time – and ALWAYS warm.

April 23, 2006

Vanuatu is a much better choice than Bali….can I fit in your bags???? Please???? Its a great time of year for sorting gardens ( and animals)….but I am not convinced about eating Dahlia tubers…make absolutely sure first…Love those photos……George is even more handsome than DJD…lolhugs

April 25, 2006

No worries re trip south being put off – you’re much better off heading for the sun! And look who can take photos!! Not that there’s any competition between you and djd :> Oh no. (See. I did notice that it was YOU who took the photos and it’s NOT ALWAYS djd!!!) Credit where credit’s due after all. BTW it should be best laid with an i and not y, but who’s quibbling? Certainly not Miss Perfection Me