That wonderful place in Waikanae

SAE is going to hospital next week to have her tonsils removed. After all these years and they wait until she is 19, has suffered for the last number of years and now they are going to take them out.

She hates hospitals, hates the anesthetic even more and I hate the whole experience of being trapped in the hospital with her…but there I will be, holding her hand, trying to relieve boredom and having to put up with DH being around and having to hold my tongue….grrrrrr….and then when it all gets to much for her I have to do the consoling and then the scolding and then put on the "stop this nonsense" tone…..sigh…..

I’m taking 4 days sick leave to look after her as she will have to come home with me, I’m not letting her be on her own….being in a flat with two other boys equates to being on your own!!

Then its Easter and then I am taking the next 4 days off as annual leave…so no work work for two weeks….a blessing or torture???

Some of you may already know djd and I were out and about this weekend taking our camera’s for an outing.

What a great place….well worth visiting again

"Aw shucks is it me your taking piccies of…..but I’m so shy!!"

 "That was mum up there…I’mgoing to grow up to look just like her!!"

"what you doin???"

"Just a minor cramp…nothing a good stretch wont fix"



"I’m so quick how did you catch me?"

"Well in that case I shall just have to turn my back on you!!"

"Are you still there!?!?!?"


" So which is my better side…this one?"


"or this one?"


"Do you think I need to diet?"


Til next time diary

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March 25, 2007

I love those photos !!! Hope SAE gets on OK in hospital – Take Care xxx

March 25, 2007

Fantastic photos – what is the name of the large blue chested bird? (Eric?? Lol!)

March 26, 2007

I had my tonsils out when I was 6, I’m 53 and STILL vividly remember the sore throat afterwards. Good luck to SAE, and I’m glad you’ll be there for her. The pics are so full of life and colours!! RYN: I was supposed to be up and walking and out of the cast 2 weeks ago but, still can’t put full weight down yet to walk. So, they took that cast off, put a fresh one on for another 2 weeks, I’m doing alot better but, still can’t walk with full weight down even yet and it’s been 2 months now, I go again Wednesday and see where we go from there. Can’t begin to tell you how fed up with it all I am now!

March 26, 2007

These are fantastic photos! Two weeks off, call it a blessing. 🙂 Hope everything goes well for your daughter, and you!

lovely! and oh so interesting!

March 26, 2007

great photos!!! would have been better if she had her tonsils out at a younger age. but, with you to take care of her, i’m sure she will be just fine! take care,

March 26, 2007

Great shots …..I had my tonsils out at 19 too after sore throats for a blooming year. Iced codial and ice cream they’re the onlt things that don’t hurt then she’ll be fine …um if you dont throttle her that is all the best .

Oh, these are a delight! And so are the captions!!

March 30, 2007

they threatened to take my tonsils out when I was about that age, I hated hospitals and doctors so much that I managed to talk myself out of getting any more sore throats. Okay, maybe it didn’t quite work that way, but something must have, I still have those tonsils! LOL 🙂

March 31, 2007

Some good mother-daughter time? … Apart from the pain! But at least you get some time off through it so I hope you can find some time there to enjoy some space. Give SAE my regards. (Love the captions – you should get paid to write captions for photos!)