Sundays fun



My first offerings from the new addition

 My Very First Photo


 And from there I had good and bad shots…not that I would show the bad shots 🙂

I tested my continuous shooting on a tui flitting about in a tree….and for all the shots I took I really didnt get "the" shoot…but these are two I kinda like, djd still has the best Tui shot 🙂



I’m afraid I cant claim this pretty flower as part of our garden


 and if you look real close you’ll see my competition!!


But these ones I will claim…even the weed 🙂




I do like the focus effects of this camera…you can bring something into focus or out of focus…depends what your looking for



And now I end with the last picture I took with my camera on its 1st day on an outing!


I’m warming to my new camera….

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January 28, 2007

Well it blew me away seeing the quality of the pictures….That 1st picture is really good :O) The last one as well….:O)


January 28, 2007

Fantastic photos. I’d say the camera is a good marriage.

January 29, 2007

Excellent !!!!! Go girl ..

January 29, 2007

Brilliant pictures, I need to get out of this house and take some pictures, not practised lately with the new camera – Take Care x

nice work – it’s good to warm up to a new camera

January 29, 2007

RYN; Yes it does seem like that, maybe having a bun in the oven doesn’t mean what I think (and I hope you think or I have got the wrong meaning too !!!) Hugs xxx

January 29, 2007

They’re very good photos. The focus is fantastic! Vista is great when you turn off all the extrea security! 🙂

January 29, 2007

I won’t use the other cameras we have as my slr is such superior quality. I still want a macro lens but maybe when we win Lotto lol. Great pics! *hugs*

January 29, 2007

they are lovely, although your old camera did pretty well also. And your second tui pic is lovely….I know first hand how elusive they are when they spot a camera lens. I would love to come and take photos in your garden…..maybe one day! hugs and smiles P

WOW!Love the Dandelion..

Oh, look at the water droplets on that dahlia! And the lovely hazy Buddha behind the dandelion! You are going to have a marvellous time with this new camera!

January 29, 2007

what WAS djd thinking? Now he’s got no show at being top photographer has he?

January 30, 2007

Beautiful pics!

January 30, 2007

What fabulous photos! I would be bursting with pride if I took the two of the tuis, honestly. You are far to hard on yourself.

my dad has never said much. my mother told lots of stories..she was one of 18 children and they grew up on a horse farm. her dad raised and trained matched trotters. he had 9 daughters. every one of my grandfathers daughters got a degree and hated farming with a passion. they also hated men. my grandmother was a wetback. being born in canada.she was the granddaughter of lady stroud. her father washigh royalty born on the wrong side of the sheets. my paternal grandmother was the daughter to the prime minister of prussia, and when they fled ww1 they too, came to the states as wetbacks, that is as illegial aliens who crossed the border from canada to live in michigan. he told his 4 daughters that they would never speak any language but english ever again, and they would never speak of their past. how much of that is ture? i will never know..

what i do know is that who i am is what i make of me.

January 31, 2007

RYN: thanks for pointing out my day of the week mistake…LOL…..shows the aenescetic still hasn’t worn off properly…LOL It has been a loooooong week though. better fix my error now…do you think anyone else noticed? smiles and hugs P

January 31, 2007

ryn: laptop and wireless broadband… the only way to go 🙂

February 2, 2007

RYN: Brat…you are a brat!!! That entry was supposed to be privatized until I finished with it. Oh well.

February 2, 2007

ryn: that would mean getting off the couch and going upstairs to my desktop computer where my photos are… maybe soon 🙂

February 3, 2007

ryn: *smiles* looks can be deceiving… it’s actually billowing clouds of steam from a geothermal powerplant on a very cold morning just after sunrise… it makes the sun appear like the moon 🙂