Sunday night

Well another weekend has just flown past and tomorrow is Monday morning :((

SAE visited us last night, I can only put it down to visiting as it was for only one night and the first in two weeks. She did however bring the boyfriend along as well, we had a nice dinner all together and DD and I managed to embarass both of them so we had a good time 🙂

It was a really lovely day today with the sun shining, so we dropped the kids off in the city and went for a walk around the streets. Brought a nice plate to hang on the wall and some more cigarette cards (DD has collected them over the years) and then we dreamed of buying another car, the only sad part about that dream is that in reality we will have to soon buy a new car as our faithful beast we have now has done over 200k and she must give out on us soon :((

So what do I have happening in the next week, oh yes the boss is going away for 10 days to Sydney, yeh ha! SAE will be back home as school starts tomorrow and DD will fly back to Ham tomorrow…..bummer.

There probably is more to blab about but getting tired and its time for nigh nighs…soooooooo….on that note

Till next time diary

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Enjoyed the thought of you embarrassing both SAE and her boyfriend – so you had a good time! Yes, that makes perfect sense! RYN: I’m fascinated by your reference to flowing water; my computer simply doesn’t transmit that ad. Should I feel left-out or grateful? Usually, the pop-ups don’t worry me but I was horrified at the blatant attempt to hoodwink people, often poor, to get their money.

howdy down there. Glad your weekend was wonderful….great having mid-winter sunshine eh? May this working week be fruitful and satisfying, especially if you play mousy games while the proverbial cats away !!! ttfn..