Sunday 14th September

Its our anniversary today, 3 years since we moved in together. It does seem like its longer but not in a bad way. So nice to wake up this morning and just cuddle and snuggle up, nothing like a misty morning 🙂

We’re off to the pictures soon, going to see Pirates of the Carribean. Going to the theartre in the city where you have a lazy boy chair to sit in and they bring you food and drinks all you want :)) Should be fun. After that as long as we haven’t been silly and eaten there, we plan to go out to a late lunch, there is a certain muscle dish that is calling me :))

Oh which reminds me I just remembered I put some bread on to toast about an hour ago and I’ve forgotten all about it!! NO wonder my stomach is screaming out for food!!

I wonder if I can talk djd into going to death by chocolate after the meal. Oh well its one of those days that you just let you drift through and what happens happens.

Later diary

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Happy anniversary! May you thoroughly enjoy drifting through your day!

Congatulations on surviving these three years….hugs to you both. Do you guys eat to live or live to eat??? heheh Have a truly wonderful day whatever, and forgive me if it is my turn to write, I forget sometimes if I don’t write back promptly. Stay tuned….xxxx

Congrats on the three years! Pirates is a fun movie. It’s very full-blown Hollywood fantasy stuff. We went to see Seabiscuit last night – what a nice movie that was. I really enjoyed not coming out of the theatre feeling traumatized or depressed or creeped out or like I’d wasted two hours and my money. If you like pretty horses, go see it.