Summer….you have to be kidding

  Have I mentioned the weather lately? If not let me just tell you how bloody awful it is, cold wet and miserable. The first two days of the new year are not ones to look back on and say what a wonderful way to start the year. Back at work tomorrow (3rd Jan) and I may as well be there as its not weather to be doing anything else in as I sit in the computer room in a comfy chair behind djd and listen to the rain pelt against the window.

Was scooting about the internet yesterday looking at possible holiday choices, as one does 🙂 and found this site which books holidays in places like Bali, Veitnam and China….I immediately started to drift off into dream world….I think we would seriously like to visit Veitnam, sounds great and not too touristy…which would suit us down to the ground. We will just have to wait and see how much money we have saved nearer to June to see where we will end up!

Not a word from my daughter in the last couple of days…..not even a txt to say Happy New Year….right she has her mother stirred wheres my phone!! Sleeping at this time of day….young kids of today just dont know what they are missing when they sleep the mornings away….well actually today she isnt missing anything but still….none the less she is still around if not somewhat tired from working some really late nights or should that be mornings as in 2am!! Not happy about her working those kind of hours but she finally went to them and said give me a better job, better hours and more money or I quit and seeing how they have hardly any staff left they agreed….so proud of my girl for standing up for herself.

Don’t have much else to say, meant to be cleaning the pantry out of all bad food, today is the last day to be naughty for tomorrow a new beginning starts……better food, less food, a lot less booze and exercise! Onward and upward to a slimmer djd and McD.

Piccies from places we have visited over the last few weeks.

 The feathered ones from Staglands






  Creatures and features from Mount Bruce





 Lots of eels all waiting to be fed



 Ngawi – Tractors tow the boats out to sea, the boats go out to crayfish pots and further a field I imagine. Its a very strange wee township the tractors adding to the charm and the untidiness of the place

Never too old


And some with such cute names


 And the woman wait for the fishermen


 Then on to Cape Palliser and the seals




Such a cutie


 and mum not too far away keeping a very close eye on to strangers scrambling around rocks


I’ve found how to do stitch photos together – On the otherside of the dark hills in the back ground is Wellington.


And then just because I like it 🙂





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January 1, 2007

Less booze = no booze sweets :O you will soon be as good as me with the picture taking !!! :O)

January 1, 2007

glad you and DJD had some fun with my quiz. Hey, these pics are lovely, you know how much I love birds too…but those old tractors, although interesting, are not quite so magical. Saw the seals before on djd’s the pups! hugs and love p

great shots!

January 1, 2007

Aren’t you smart, stitching the photos together. Who needs a wide angle lens, huh? You are so smart to escape in the winter…to get some serious sunlight. Hawaii is wonderful…I’ve been to Oahu and I loved it. There is a very rural feel about it.

January 1, 2007

Bob has said that for his 40th b/day (5yrs time) he wants to leave here on his birthday and go to Hawaii as when he arrives, he’ll be 39 again and can celebrate his brithday again…ahh the joys of living on this side of the world! Now I have 5 yrs to save enough $ and it won’t need wrapping. Cool pics! I’ll go back to my oven cleaning, but at least it’s sunny here! *hugs*

Ah, gorgeaous photos! I particularly love those birds; I’m still smiling at the silver eyes on the bin. I’m sorry you are getting so much rain (Our rain? *grin* If so, please send it back!) We’ve had a cool start to the new year, too, with even a little rain – though most of it has fallen all around our city instead of on it. Drat!

Silvereyes are my favourite birds…such a lovely pic of them on the bin…please, please, please send that rain across the ditch to the east coast especially of Aussie land. We need is sooooooooo badly. Love and Happy New Year. Lets hope 2007 is a beauty.

January 2, 2007

LOVE the photos – yes I like the old wooden posts photo too … it appeals. So you did see some seals then … Sorry you’ve got work tomorrow, but just dream about that holiday in June … good on ya for the no booze no bad food – I’m with you!

January 2, 2007

Best wishes for your new years resolutions….you can do it. I managed one day yesterday.

January 5, 2007

nice bird photos!! those eels are scary looking! i think everyone in the whole world is on a diet now! good luck to you two on your’s. take care,

January 5, 2007

Loved the pics, the birds are all so lovely. Not so keen on those eels tough. The seals are delightful. Freat pictures! Hope the weather improves for you, it’s crazy all round the world right now. We (in Canada) have much higher than normal temps for this time of year. It’s unheard of to be 3 or more above freezing! And.. with the snow all gone too. WOW

January 6, 2007

Great pics Breakfast sounded great – nothing here so far (it’s 10.36am), cleaned one fish tank out so far. I only have tropical fish, I would love marine fish but it’s a bit expensive at the moment. When I snorkelled on holiday I saw a lot but never did find “Nemo” !! I have 3 tanks with tetra’s, danio’s, rainbows to mention just a few. Also there is a different Pleco in each tank. Have a good day (added you to favs if that’s ok !)

January 7, 2007

RYN… Thanks :)it was hard work , but worth it. The kids all start back in care tomorrow so we’ll see how they like it. I like the fence posts too , thats so kiwiana.

January 7, 2007

I went back through your diary and saw the pictures you took on holiday – they were great pics. I had to google where you went as I had never heard of it, but now I know !. As I haven’t worked out the time difference yet, it’s sure to be a lot – Have a good night/day ! Take Care x

January 11, 2007

ryn: Knitting and other forms of needlework have had a huge resurgence here in North America and the UK. I am so glad as I was worried they were lost skills. The fibers of today are so beautiful, there are way better tools to work with and sooo many new designers of patterns. The knitters like natural fibers, wooden needles, even spinning and dying their own yarns. Some are made of plant material

January 11, 2007

like soy, hemp, linen, cotton, seaweed. There are cashmere yarns, alpaca, llama, sheep dog. So there is so many more choices than the old plastic based yarns. There are billions of knitter blogs,websites,a huge industry in online purchasing. Google “yarn blogs” and check some out. It’s just got soooo big here.

RYN: *smile* I’d not thought at all about the placing of those two children in the photo; now I see it as a 50s cultural thing. Thanks! It adds to the photo (which happens to be the only one I have with the young spruce in it.) Yes, the bigger girl is me, aged about 11. (The shape of my figure hasn’t changed all that much over the years!)

January 14, 2007

RYN: We had fog too…but it was in the garage! Bloody Bob decided he needed a work shirt that was STILL in washing machine as he forgets to hang things up. Anyway, he put the clothes in the dryer! Here it is summer..well kinda and we have high humidity so he puts the dryer on high for an HOUR! The windows were pouring with condensation and when I opened the door, all I saw was fog. Men!!

you m’dear, are over due for an entry of your own. i love to hear from you. and less than your own enrty page just wont do.

January 20, 2007

So McD…when are you going to write another entry? I do so appreciate you stopping by my diary (especially when you say such nice things about my pets) but I love hearing about what is going on in your world.

January 24, 2007

It was great to leave work early and get home really early, shouldn’t get used it though, the work will come back soon enough ! Take Care x

January 25, 2007

hello,i love your photographs.are those baby swans ? you are lucky to be able to see so many birds & wildlife.those eels look for the new year i am going to try to be vegetarian except that i will eat fish.i believe that that is called pescetarian-not sure of the spelling.i have tried before.this time i am if i could just give up chocolate.but that will never happen.and of course dark chocolate does have antioxidants.

January 25, 2007

excellent photos! ryn: indeed, very stupid!

It’s 27th here and I swear that age at the top LHS was lower last time I looked at it! *smile* I’ve a strong hunch you’ve been celebrating today. (I do hope so, anyway.) I hope your birthday has been a very happy one and the very best of wishes for a really good 45th year.