Start of week 5

How time flies so quickly….only 4 weeks ago today I went under the knife and today here I sit having been to the doctors this morning and getting the all clear ready to go back to work next week – only part time for at least the first week until my tummy adjusts to sitting in an upright position for a number of hours at a time 🙂

I sit and reflect on what I have done and realise that I have done absolutely nothing…except watch a whole heap of movies, old and new ones and browse the internet…I didn’t even get around to doing my photo’s that I thought would be an easy thing to accomplish.

And now just as I am coming right its back to work I go and I still cant do anything that I wanted to do…like weeding the garden and washing the windows….I must say I’m not used to being that inactive for such a long period of time.

and the poor dog she will have to get used to being on her own all day again…not that she does much but sleep…lazy sod…but still she’s had company 🙂

I wont have time for internet buying now either …well maybe just the grocery buying….I found that was a godsend this week to have the groceries delivered to our door…..and I did it all with a click of the mouse, we will most certainly be doing this again.

well better get back to doing nothing 🙂

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July 12, 2010

I’m glad that your recovery has gone well and that you are ready to go back to work next week. When you aren’t feeling well it is difficult to make yourself do things you don’t want to do. Give yourself a break…do something nice for yourself. You recovered during your recovery just like you were supposed to do.

July 12, 2010

I have been marveling at your pictures. What a gorgeous country! One day, I would love to visit there. So many places to visit, so little time. 🙂 I pray your healing goes quickly. I look forward to visiting on your next entry.

July 14, 2010

as long as your body continues to heal thats all that really matters. Enjoy the time to relax…it will soon be a thing of the past. hugs P

Wow, that time has passed quickly! And you’ve indeed done something, something important – you’ve healed! (Well, you are well on the way to healing.) I hope the reentry into work goes smoothly.

you are healing. that is the doing that is so important right now.

i was thinking about you today. thinking you have probably gone back to part time work. hows a bout it? whats happenin? and i suspect my huge shadow was a man looking to steal diesel fuel. not to likely in the sprinter as my lid that covers the gas cap is sealed by the door. when the door is locked shut there is no getting into the fuel line. that was my is bigfoot country but lore has it that bigfoot’s stink and there was no odor. sure was weird.

July 31, 2010

So how are you doing, my dear?

August 3, 2010