Somebody in this house needs to be spanked!!



Somebody in this house other than me, got a new PC.

Somebody in this house took a day off work to set up the new pc

Somebody in this house got themselves all set up with broadband and net connections on the new pc

Somebody in this house couldnt get the wireless network working since they got a new pc for others to connect to the net

Somebody in this house had a very pissed off mcd

Somebody in this house wanted to just play on the new pc and not correct the wireless issue

Somebody in this house was lucky I was so exhausted from work this week that I slept for the last 4 nights.

Somebody in this house finally figured out that he had a setting wrong on his new flash pc that looks like a fridge that was stopping mcd having the wireless connection on thelaptop

Somebody in this house needs to be spanked

Somebody in this house is getting the wooden spoon right now and packing somebody in this houses clothes into a suitcase!

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November 11, 2006

Yeh – like you would have found it !!!! :O)

November 11, 2006

OH I think it was me pointing it out to you….how big a suitcase do you want to take?

November 11, 2006

I think it was me actually sweetie … You just provide the interference and the backgroung nagging .. .I mean constructive critism :O)

November 11, 2006

so you want a big suitcase then

November 11, 2006

Yeh big suitcase – I’m not coming back from ozz till sunday evening now !! :O)

November 11, 2006

Hmmm…the “Spank Me Clean” concept has legs.

November 11, 2006

you can’t have the last say on my diary site!!!! That would be next week (sunday) the same sunday that I’m coming back with you then 🙂

November 11, 2006

Watch out djd and for goodness sakes don’t bend over for the next few days!

November 11, 2006

Now did I say which Sunday – OR – Which year !!!!!!!!!!!! I never bend over at Dilbert Conventions :O)


November 11, 2006

you dont have to, you dont buy the tickets 🙂

November 11, 2006

there’s no such thing asa free lunch sweets … Or a free Dilbert Convention !!!! I have to stay awake you know !!!! :O)

November 11, 2006

would like to see you try and stay awake at the dilbert convention…well actually if it was a dilbert convention you probably could….maybe the fear of me catching up with you on Thursday will keep you awake….will customs stop me at the gates with a wooden spoon in my bag???

lol! you must have wifi connect now? or are you on DJD’s refrigerator?

November 11, 2006

The won’t stop you as long as you remove the nails from teh spoon :O)

November 11, 2006

Forget the wooden spoon, go for the pinch in the underside of the upper arm just near the armpit as it hurts a lot more and leaves no visible marks…and you can do it when he’s asleep! Not that I would ever do this of course 😉

November 12, 2006

i’m a new lurker. this is hilarious. i have a husband pretty much just like this too. loveable and maddening as all get out. lol

November 12, 2006

Now now you two! What a hoot you both are – what fun I’ve been missing out on with my nose stuck on a keyboard writing a novel – the novel’s happening on your entries!!!

RYN: So you are still going to Sydney then? Enjoy your “not-clean” weekend, both of you.