so whats up!

Well I came down with the lurgey!!! Its was all djd’s fault….why he doesn’t stay away from the ill I will never know…and this is the man who firmly tells me that if the bird flu should ever hit NZ that there is no way I’m going in to work !!! I have my resignation letter all ready 🙂

Not much happening on the home front for me, I haven’t applied for any jobs recently but I did have a look over the weekend and saw a couple I thought might be worth thinking about but I will do this from work as thats where my most updated CV is.

Talking of work the boss has gone over to Aussie for a conference for a week leaving my favourite manager in charge. So should be a good week 🙂 Talking of my favourite manager she has applied for another job, been for an interview and now they are interested in her but there are a few more steps to go through. I dont want her to leave, only for purely selfish reasons of course, as that will just leave me on my own trying to fight the unfairness of some situations!!! The only good thing that could possibly come out of it would be if she did go and then she found me a job as well 🙂

I’ve been working on a web page, we brought a couple of domain names a wee while ago and done nothing with them, but djd managed to get a programme called frontpage which allows you to build your webpage and publish it etc. So over the last few weeks I’ve written different things and have been piecing it together. Its nowhere finished or very flash but its out there now, I’ve published it as it is in its "work in progress" state. just in case your interested in our boring site you can go to and find us 🙂 Dont be surprised if something doesnt work like it orta but if you do find something like that you can always let me know 🙂 oh and southernkbells if you should find some spelling or gramma errors you can let me know as well (nicely!!!)

Rang my mum the other weekend, all seems to have gone back to normal so to speak after the last 18months of turmoil. It seems so strange that the family seem to have backed off from each other so much, of course having said that we did need a bit of space from each other, but now I feel like its time to get the contact going again, but for some strange reason without a common reason it feels foreign to be ringing the brothers!! I think it will have to be emails 🙂 Except for southernkbell though as if anything the last 18months have actually brought us closer and its easy to communicate with her via any method.

I’ve been looking for our next trip….so many choices and so little money….still next time djd goes south I think I will tag along 🙂

Well time to move on and do something else, just not sure what.

Till next time diary

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April 2, 2006

Glad that lurgey hasn’t come up here yet, feel free to keep them to yourselves! Ahh the joys of work, all the good ones go and you are left with slim pickings. I’m going to win Lotto so I can tell my boss where to stick her paperwork! *hugs*

April 2, 2006

Good to hear from you – was going to get in touch but you are such an early-to-bedite by the time i thought of it, I’d left it a little late … Then once you start into that working week … there’s no catching you. So next weekend we must catch up!! It’s an order. Must check out your website – exciting. Did you know I have one too? I will let you know the address … can’t blow my cover here! xx

April 2, 2006

BTW a trip south? YES!!!!

April 2, 2006

well now I’m wondering just what the lurgey is. Is that some sort of exotic New Zealand illness? LOL 🙂

April 2, 2006

Hope you get pampered and healed quickly…….and don’t fret about a new job…the right one will come along when its the right time. I checked out your website and emailed a message…well done. hugs

April 3, 2006

hope you get to feeling better soon. being sick is no fun as blake can tell you. he stayed home sick from school today. i think he’ll go tomorrow. at least, i hope he does! wish i could plan a vacation this year but that’s not to be. take care,