so what did I do today?

Woke this morning at 5.45am to a possum screaming outside our bedroom window. My god it was like he was sitting at the window. Djd got up as once he’s awake he’s awake cursing the damn creature and putting hall lights on to get dressed so as not to disturb me too much, and there I was lying in bed thinking if that creature doesn’t shut up I will have to get up too. Lo and behold though as soon as the light went on in the house the damn thing stopped screaming and I was able to go back to sleep for a further 3 hours kip :0)

We had a leisurely breakfast at one of our favourite cafes and today as we walked in the door the girl said “Hi guys, take a seat, you want two flat whites?”. Oh how predictable are we and not only that but we go out far too often and too often to the same places! This is the third eating place that now recognises us! The Indian restaurant know my voice over the phone when I order takeaways on the nights I pick djd up from the airport, there is a chinese restaurant who now seats us at “our table” and now the café we go to breakfast too! Something has to change :0)

Once again like drug addicts we went to the garden centre and walked away with plants and pots. Begonia time now  time to get the little devils ready, we thought we would go home and just plant the darlings but upon reading the back of the package you have to let them shoot about 2-3cm and then plant them with the soil not quite covering the shoot! So we laid them out on potting mixture to grow just a little bit longer and the ones we already have we had a bit of a shuffle around with them and have laid them out to grow shoots as well. I hope they look as fantastic as they did last year once things start happening.

We decided to wonder down into the bush that surrounds our house. We have a path that leads us down, we took the dog down with us a bit of a test to see if she would stay with us and not run away. She was good in fact she really didn’t look that comfortable being down there, of course that could have something to do with George (the cat) as he raced through the undergrowth and launched himself up a tree to only jump down and have that wild eyed look in his eyes and his tail puffed out to its full potential. Any dog would have looked worried but poor old Pepsi has had the sting of those cat claws before and could see the warning signs. Sure enough while making our way back up the path George lay in wait for the dog and gave her a couple of swipes as she passed by. He is such a bugger for being so mean to the dog!

So Sunday night and day is drawing to an end, djd is snoozing in the lounge (just enough for him to think he wont sleep tonight! Sheesh!) and here I sit almost in a panic as my computer just threw a complete wobbly and gave me an error message I have never seen before telling me I may be able to recover or I may lose all unsaved work (including this entry) so there I was frozen in time for about 10 seconds too scared to see if I would get my work back or have to start again, which may not have happened. Luckily whatever it was didn’t lose my work and I quickly saved it when it brought it back. Damn computers I’d like to know who put them in charge of the world!

Till next time diary

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I’m sitting here smiling at your last line – and flexing my sore left thumb at the same time. I also smiled at your nocturnal visitor; I know how much many Kiwis love those delightful Aussie imports. Our local paper has run several heartrending front page stories on cruelty to the possums living in our local central park. Unthinkable, isn’t it, that anyone could treat a possum badly. (?)

Sounds like you had an interesting day so far….MUCH better than my boring day of being lazy and sleeping. *smiles* *abrazos* ~liz~

you make an average sort of day sound so intersting….wonderful. Glad you didn’t hurt the possum either, but my first thought when I read that was “put the light on, girl”…which is what finally worked. Hope your dahlia’s do well….one day I plan to check out your beautiful garden. Incidently, check your emails my friends, some interesting news came through. hugz

What kind of noise does a possum make? We heard a very strange loud crying wailing noise in our bushes recently and someone told me there are possums living around my area. Enjoy your gardening season this year!