Planting lollisticks

I know i’ve been a bit remiss of late, not only in putting an entry in but also in even reading others entries!! I live a little thru djd but he’s usually catching up late at night and I’m usually falling asleep.

I’ve been so tired lately, there is a major project going on at work and it zaps my energy during the day and then I cant be buggered doing anything at night!

However it is only 13 sleeps until we fly out to Perth, only 9 more sleeps of work!!!  Unfortunately though I only have 9 days to get the last part of my project completed as when I get back we have one week until we go “live”. Tis a little scary I must admit.

SAE is visiting!!! can you believe I have the privelage of her company. DH and her have moved yet again….3 time in 2 years….but at least to a good area and close enough to her high school that she can walk there. She has decided to lose weight and is starting the Weight Watches programme, and yes before you ask she does need to lose probaby a good 15k and needs to tone up. She has even started swimming in the mornings….good on her!

This is her last year of hs and she plans to the go to UNI and study to be a primary school teacher…..I hope she sticks to this….she would make a pretty good one really. She is growing up too in front of my eyes and its really great to see, and she finally flicked that loser of a boy friend, well he moved to Auckland so made it rather easy 🙂

So looking forward to our holiday, I’ve planned everything through the net, from booking the airline tickets to the accommodation in a couple of resorts to a trip up north from Perth to a place called Monkey Mia to swim with the dolphins, although old woosie djd says he wont swim cause there are sharks in the sea!!! I wonder if he realises you only have to go up to your knees to be with the dolphins?!?!?!

Really looking forward to this break, and since its our 1 holiday for the last 2 years, I’m going to pamper ourselves in where we stay and what we do. So have booked a couple of really nice resorts one in Karri Valley amongst the trees and nature and the other at Bunker Bay right by the Indian ocean. I plan to do lots of walking during the day and lots of eating and indulging at night…walks on the beach and all those romantic things…..not sure what djd will be doing *girn*

djd son is looking after the pets for us and I’m not sure which one I feel sorry for, BD cause he doesnt really know what hes in for or the dogs as BD is a night owl and sleeps most of the day away!! That beagle of ours will be barking the neighbourood down to wake the man! I have to switch off from these thoughts while I’m away or I will worry and panic about it all.

Well today is planting lollistick day……that is before we go away we have to go around our garden and measure up all the dahlia’s and lillies and begonia’s etc because when we get back we will be riping gardens up and creating new boarders and planting them with all the dahlia’s and lillies so we need to know the heights so we get the proportions right. So we will write on lolliesticks what kind of plant and the height and colour and plant them in the ground with the plant, so when it has died down we will be able to know what has been there before…..a cunning plan stan! Seems far too organised for us really 🙂

We should also hopefully when we get back have our new gas heater installed and be making plans to build the deck out the back…yes its all go this year.

Well enough said, or not enough, thats the trouble when you dont write for so long you just right the things that are happening now instead of that funny story about the mouse who was in our toilet cowering  in the corner after seeing a rather large white prosteria winking at it……I’m surprised it didnt have a heartache right then and there!! But managed to live a couple of days in the walls of the toilet until one of our able bodied animals finely caught it….I suspect Pepsi….certainly not a cat!

Well better march on

Till the next time diary


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February 26, 2005

Sounds as though a holiday is well deserved and I hear that perth is an amazing place although it does get a bit hot in summer for my liking. The only problem with holidays is that they go faster than they arrive..not fair really! Have a great time and I’m sure the dogs will be thrilled with your return! *hugs*

February 26, 2005

Oh – no sharks where there’s dolphis :O) So i’ll be in there with them :O)

February 26, 2005

a bit remiss!!!?? a bit remiss !!?? Friend, you have been missed, its been ages!!! Glad you have your holiday almost underway, I fly down to QT in about 8 days too ( on 7th) so we may cross paths in the air so to speak. LOL Have a wonderful one, glad your pets will have a good care0giver. love and hugs, and thanks for the note,

Welcome back to ODland! I hope you’ve had a good Sunday, lolliesticks and all. And oh, that holiday!! Take me with you? I’ve always wanted to go to Monkey Mia; if they’d just move it to the other side of Australia I’d be there very quickly! please make sure you tell us about it when you return. (Hint! That means another entry.)

So there you are! You’ve been missed! ~

February 28, 2005

oh my goodness that poor mouse! Our dog is much better at catching those rodents than the cats are too! LOL And tell djd to quit being such a chicken and get in the water and wade around with those sharks too! LOL 🙂