Photo’s in doorways

I have a camera. I have resisted getting one for so long well ever since djd got his camera. My theory was that we would both use it, and we do, but more and more I saw piccies I wanted to take or got a bit envious that djd had taken the shots I would have liked to have taken. So onto the internet last weekend started to have a look about, saw a really nice Konica Minolta one but then went into the camera shop and found the canon s3 is. Oh yes what a cute little camera it is and brand new into New Zealand shops, as in the very day I went in to look at camera’s. Funny thing was that djd had also walked past a camera shop that very lunchtime and had seen the very same camera and had rung and told me about it. So now I have my own camera and the competition is on!! Friendly competition that is cause nobody wants a divorce before a marriage over a camera 🙂

I’ve been to two job interviews and have had a call back on one of them. First one was on Tuesday night after work so that worked really well. Met the woman who currently does the role I have gone for, but she is moving out of the role and going part time and doing a new role. She assured me that she was not someone who was going to cling onto the old role and I believe her on that one, she seemed very genuine. Now I go back on Monday to meet the “boss” and he will interview me. Friday I went to the interview for the govt group role that has a focus on Maori culture etc and I felt I did the best I could have, didn’t feel I mucked up any part of it at all. I like the sound of both roles and they are similar but very different(its the irish in me). I think the government role would probably be a better role for me only in the fact that there is room for advancement but due to being a government group the wheel will turn extremely slowly. I try not to think about the “what if I get it” because that just builds my hopes up too much. Will just take one baby step at a time and try not to muck up 

Sitting in a café while we were out today I looked over at a wall that had a few black and white photo’s up. One was of a tunnel obviously being created and men standing at the entrance. The other was of a family. It was just a cursory look and a short comment to djd about the tunnel picture. It wasn’t until a bit later and obviously photography must have been on my mind because my eyes were drawn back to the black and white picture of the family. It was an old photo and looking at it made me realise that the family were standing in the doorway of their house. We don’t take photo’s of families standing in the doorway of their homes anymore, there were plenty of piccies when I was young of the family sitting on the steps at the front of the house. Why don’t we see or do that anymore? Did the photo have to be taken outside as the camera’s in those days just didn’t have flashes or just not the capability for long distance photo’s to get everyone in? Was it an identity thing, my home my castle? Either way does anyone take the photo in the doorway anymore? Well I think we will start the trend again…every chance we get….sentimental reasons I guess 🙂 Anyone want to join in and  take a family  doorway  piccy?

We went to the botanic gardens today, photo’s were taken by me on my new camera….I think they look ok…..what say you?

Pretty flower ones

 Bit  fuzzy  wuzzy  but I like it

Lovely Orchid

And then down the throat we go

Another nice orchid

Couple of water lilly ones

Only one decent bee piccie out of a zillion taken!! Bit elusive for this amateur

And the duck got the better of me!

And lastly my boys

<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; font-family: Comic Sans MS;”>Till next time diary

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May 5, 2006

great pics sweets … you have the best bee shot of the day :O} Who’s the old fat buzzard in the last photo ??

May 6, 2006

What great pics! I have 3 Canon camera’s at present but want to upgrade my SLR to a digital SLR, then Bob can use my S50 whilst I try to master my photography skills. The video camera is used by mainly me as I hate to see myself in it! You and djd have some great skills! Good luck with the job interviews, if I can get a new job, you’re definitely next! *hugs*

May 6, 2006

WoW!!! Lil Sis you amaze and astound me – such fantastic photos!! Great news about the job interviews too – I was thinkin’ of you. That’s a great idea about the doorway photos and you are quite right – no-one does that anymore really … I have been out and about a litl with our camera – but it aint instant and not as clear as the little winner you’ve got yourself – all ready for the holiday???!

May 6, 2006

really beautiful photos! That bee pic, you can see the hair on it and the fuzz on the flowers… really awesome! I like the duck one b/c you can see the reflection in the water. All of them are just lovely. The last pic, adorable! You two are so cute in your photo battle, loving battle! The difference I already see between you and hubby.. is the femininity in yours. Both being super!

May 6, 2006

I just googled your camera to see what it was… SWEET! No wonder I can’t get the same quality of pics! Hey, good luck with the jobs.

YaY for new cameras!!! Great shots, the bee is awesome!

May 6, 2006

These photos are amazing – that orchid’s colours blew me away! You’re right about the people in doorways thing – I hadn’t thought about it – maybe we don’t have time to stand in doorways these days?!

oh. i am so jealous. what nice camera work!

Nice to meet you – great work. I love the blue one above the bee – and the bee is great as well.

May 7, 2006


May 7, 2006

I took about a dozen shots of a bumble bee yesterday, and not one of them was all that great. They truly are elusive.

May 9, 2006

hey, you’re an expert already….these are awesome. Your new camera must be a beaut….I am envious. Wish I could afford one with such a great set of lens etc…….maybe when I’ve paid for my laptop… lol Congratulations…and good luck with whichever job is meant to be. hugs

May 9, 2006

Thoise pics are very good…

May 10, 2006

ryn: thanks for the information. last i heard, kr was released from the hospital with a slight concussion. had not heard he had had surgery. sure hope he’ll be okay. take care,

Oh, now there are two of you taking superb photos! That bee picture is breathtaking! I smiled at the last one, of your two boys. Cute!

May 20, 2006

These are absolutely fabulous photos. Do you use a digital camera?