Penny – R.I.P

We have chickens!

Today we lost Penny – she was 6 years old and  she layed the most beautiful green shelled egg. She was known as a nEaster Egger – of no particular breed. It was very unexpected….she had a bit of a mucky bottom so we were preparing to give her a bath and clean up….as soon as I picked her up I realized her stomach was not right….and not long after that she had a heart attack and died….we guess it was the shock off being picked up and the water and to be fair I did wonder if she had been unwell for a while. Chickens are experts at hiding the fact they are not well.

But Penny was one of the two original chickens Henny was the other who died about 18months ago. Penny was the mother to Mrs B who died about 3 months ago…..its not been a good time with our girls of late.

We now have 5 chickens, Dottie being the newest family member, only joined us 3 weeks ago….she is a wee cutie…fast becoming a favourite….but pecking order establishment will have to happen again now that Penny has gone as she was number 2….they might all just move up one but who knows.

So now we have Hetty – she’s about 5 and the head of the flock – barred rock

Agnus – she’s about 3 years old – Buff barred rock

Rita and Mavis – are 2 years old. Sisters and Speckled Sussex

Dottie – not year a year old and a Wyandotte

Bye bye penny my green egg laying girl..


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December 2, 2017

your new chooks are all beautiful and I love the names you gave them…but am very sorry to learn of Penny’s demise. I know chooks can get weird diseases and there is always the chance of being egg-bound as well. Pity they cannot tell us when they feel crook.

Take care you two, and keep enjoying your awesome Lazy Square. There certainly is nothing lazy about it now…you aare so busy. Keep smiling. hugs p

December 2, 2017


Friends of mine raise aracanas… beautiful light blue and light green eggs… I believe the breed was originally from Chile… anyway… sorry about the loss of your little friend…

December 2, 2017

Aww I love your chickens! But sorry about Penny, that’s sad 🙁

December 2, 2017

Those are beautiful birds! I’m sorry about Penny, it’s never easy losing a friend.

December 3, 2017

Awww, I remember my grandparents had some Easter Eggers on their farm when I was a kid. We got to help order them out of a catalog. It was so cool to pull out colored eggs from their nests. Sorry for your loss.

December 3, 2017

I am so sorry you lost Penny. She was beautiful!

I have always wanted chickens but hubby wants nothing to do with them. I have a girl on my school us run that has some and one of them greets her every day when I drop her off.

December 3, 2017

Sorry about your birdie, but loving all the new babies!

December 3, 2017

Your chickens are lovely. Sad to know Penny died.

December 4, 2017

Aw, that’s sad. I’m sorry for your loss. I grew up on a farm in Ohio. We had Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks and White ones, don’t know the breed. We had a Bantum (Banty rooster) — Hope no one else gets sick, or worse.