Nah cant think of a title

Well I feel a bit remiss in writing an entry lately. I find these days that the weekends are like this huge catch up time reading diaries. Of course that just means that other work that should get done isn’t being done. This weekend we should have had more time in the garden but as it is it will be a concerted effort to get out there this afternoon. There are a gazillion dahlia tubers to plant and we have begonia corms we think should be planted but not too sure, a quick search on the net will help us on this one. The daffodils are up but not quite flowering, the tulips are poking their heads up and the lilies are starting to appear but it will be closer to Christmas and January before they flower (can’t wait for this, I just love lilies).

The dog is molting!! I’m sure its far to early for this. Just hate the continual fur in the air and her scratching!. So its bath time for her if it warms up this afternoon. She is a very strange creature as she thinks nothing of jumping in the shower if she thinks its time for her to have a wash. The first time it happened there I was minding my own business washing my hair when the shower door gets pushed open and this huge furry monster piles into the shower. Scarred the hell out of me, damned animal.

Sae has broken up with her boyfriend. The last time this happened she sobbed her heart out for hours, absolutely no consoling her and she spent hours talking to her friends on the net (apparently mothers aren’t much help at this point friends are so much better!!!) This time round I got a txt message to tell me!!!!!! Apparently she considers him too much hard work right now with NCEA (school qualification). Poor kid how he must be smarting over this one considering they have just about lived in each others pockets every weekend for the last 4 months. She has not learnt the art of having balance in her life and spending time apart as much as spending time together. Oh well just another learning curve for her. Not that I will grumble if it means she is actually going to knuckle down and concentrate on her school work which has been a bit lacking of late!

Rang mum last night just to catch up on things and she tells me that finally after a whole year of talking about it her sister and a good friend are coming up to visit her for a couple of weeks at the beginning of September. Now my mother is a great entertainer (as in makes you laugh) with out realising it but get her, my aunty and a good bottle of wine together and life will never be the same! DD is about to experience the L family humour and I don’t know whether to start preparing him for it mentally or just let him suffer his own way through it. Probably the latter just for the entertainment value…hee hee. Better check the video camera and make sure we have some spare tape to do some videoing with, things to keep for posterity.

I’ve started to write a letter (for want of a better word) to SAE about all the things that I can remember from my childhood forward. Its things like this that my mum tells me know that I find so interesting. Like her talking about when she was a young girl and the adventures she used to get up to. Should be writing these down so I remember them but I’m kind of hoping my big sis is doing that for us. I must find out if she is.

We have 3 days off coming up in a couple of weeks and the temptation to just pack up and go away to a tropical island for a couple of days is so appealing at the moment if it wasn’t for the money side and knowing we have to get the outside of the house painted and that the car is on its last legs as well we would probably be doing just that….sigh….why cant we win Lotto. DD just never buys the right tickets!

Till later diary

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Coping with in-laws !!! tell you what – i’ll go to the tropical island and you can entertain m-in L :O) I’m sure we will win the lotto biggy this weekend sweets :O)

My dahlias are the best thing in my garden right now. And I am seeing the promise of plenty of morning glories this year – after several years of problems. Hurrah! The tomatoes are sad though – I need a tomato expert to tell me why I can’t grow them anymore. SOB!!!

Hey McD and DJD….I am back. I also now am using a new diary though as forgot my password and couldn’t unlock my diary. Am still down at daughters place, we survived the earthquake (check my new diary)..and I return home in 5 days. Don’t know if my computer will be fixed by the time I get home or not as it truly blew a biggie too. Will stay tuned anyway. Leg slowly improving.Having fun.hugz

hey McDinzie I don’t know if you will get the email I sent you…my third attempt…..they bounced back to me. I will leave my email here for you write to me soon your long lost friend from Canada…lol