My sister is a winner!!

Well……my mum rang me tonight. She could hardly contain her excitement. She had heard from one of my sisters who has written a poetry book called “feeding the dogs” to tell her that 10 days ago she had been told something she couldn’t tell anyone else about until today!!

My sister has always loved to write. When she was really young she used to write articles to go into, I think it was called Aunt Daisy or summit like that (I’m too young to remember 🙂 She became a teacher by profession many years ago and the writing went by the board not that she ever lost her passion for it but 1 husband and 3 boys later other things took priority. But a number of years ago she started to go to writing classes and writing groups and poetry became her thing. Of course it wasn’t a full time occupation as food and mortgage payments still took priority but writing poetry and having it published was something she dreamed and hoped about. Well last year she finally achieved her dream and goal and had a book published called “Feeding the dogs”. Its a brilliant book even if I say so myself. She has childhood memories and family things and personal things in it.

Last night was her crowning glory, she won a Montana book award in the category of New Zealand Society of Authors best first book awards: Jessie Mackay award for poetry.

I am just so thrilled and so proud of her. She has worked so hard to achieve anything in life and she deserves all the glory she now gets.

Oh and my mum well she was just bursting at the sides to tell me, such a proud moment for a mother and oh how all her bowling croonies will hear all about this for the next 6 months :)) For my mum though one of the most memorable things about the book was that my sister dedicated it to her. We as a family we all recognise the fact that our mum did a damn good job of bringing us kids up (7 of us) on her own after my dad died when I was 5 (I’m the youngest) and the oldest 15 (my poetry famous sister). Even though they both will probably never read this I have to say I love them both dearly for the strength my mum has to the solid rock my sister has been to me on different occassions.

Anyway I just had to share my news 🙂

Till another time diary (just cant stop smiling 🙂

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What wonderful news! Congratulations to your sister; she must be a very, very talented poet to win such a prestigious award.

such wonderful news for you all….what a remarkable woman she is to win one for poetry too, as that isn’t easy to get recognition for. Hope you all enjoy great celebrations. I feel truly inspired again now,thanks for the sharing! Seems like that remarkable family upbringing reaps many rewards…what a mum you had! hugz

Your sister must be over the moon – and what a lovely tribute to you! Feeding the Dogs is a neat title.

RYN I thought about buying something to fit into later but I already have a few of those to-fit-into-later clothes. LOL Thanks for your note!

oh thats a true accomplishment :o) and also your mum sounds like a real star to rise 7 children on her own, I find it hard enough raising one toddler