Memo to Mr DJD

Date:               21 September 2006

To:                   Mr DJD

From:               Ms McDinzie

Subject:          Use of my camera during daylight hours and other related topics

  1. Its my camera to use when I please
  1. Everyone knows the morning is the best time to take pictures with the sun in the right place and no wind, therefore there is no time limit on when photo’s can be taken
  1. You were aware of the series of pictures I was attempting to capture over several days, including said morning when you purport I was cavorting with my camera.
  1. I do not sneak about with my camera. I boldly take up my weapon of choice and capture the image I wish to place upon my trophy wall. Please stop following me.

Further to this topic I would like to add the following:

  1. Please do not place an appendage of your body in the way of my picture taking. I have attached an example!

  1. There is no such thing as ‘bagging’ of a picture. Hence I will now display the picture I took of the native clematis in our backyard

  1. The tulip’s that is in our yard, that we nurtured to maturity will now be displayed in this memo 
  1.  I  will forgive you for jumping to the wrong conclusion about me colluding with my camera.

        5. apparently there is one creature on this earth that loves you!

       6. There is apparently one creature that thinks you need telling off.

        6. I shall now disclose my pictures of our tulips growing in tubs in our front yard.

        7. Finally my pictures of the tulips at the botanical gardens

A few weeks ago

Last week

magnolia tree

Beautiful double tulips

oh how wonderful a white daffodil

      8. Any comments to this memo can be made in person, please arrange a meeting.

Regards McDinzie

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September 21, 2006

But isn’t that my garden i’m standing in ??? !!!!! I’ve taken the batteries out of your camera…. uh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …..ahem………

September 21, 2006

what garden are you standing in??????? I have no picture of you standing in a garden???

September 21, 2006

you two are so funny!!! what a nice way to start my morning. take care,

i love you two. both of you are pure delights!

September 21, 2006

Thank you for the beautiful visions captured in your photos. Normally I would tell you both to quit your arguing but in the case of you two it just brings out the best in you both (talk about competitive in taking pictures). I do so enjoy this friendly rivalry between you to as it always makes me smile to read your comments and then see your wonderful photographs displayed. We also get the full benefit by seeing great photos in both diaries. So please continue …

Such a handsome finger – and knees. *grin* (The tulips are rather nice, too!)

September 23, 2006

That’s telling him McD!!! Terrific photos…I hardly know where to start. The flowers in your back yard are just as spectacular as the ones in the botanical gardens. Acres (or hectares) of flowers there for the photographer. We still have fall flowers like marigolds and zinnias on display.

September 23, 2006

Great photo of the cranky cat.

September 25, 2006

That’s telling him lil sis! Now that I’m here in person I can keep a better eye on things and make sure things don’t get too outta hand!!!

October 4, 2006

I missed this entry and found it when I came here to leave you a note ryn! You are so funny! If you hadn’t realized, and told me, I would have thought ‘someones’ personality had changed! 🙂 Now, the photos of your tulip is absolutely gorgeous! Wow! And I love the white tulip and Magnolia tree as well. We have Magnolias here but they must be a different variety. Keep clicking away at thebeauty that surrounds you. I really enjoy your entries, and DJD’s. Thanks for noting, both of you! LOL Thanks for the smile this morning, between your notes and this entry, it was a perfect way to start the day with a smile.

October 4, 2006

Glorious photos! I love coming here. ryn: The great thing about Death Valley is that it really *is* close to Disneyland. Maybe a 4 hour drive only. And Red Rock Canyon is even closesr.

October 7, 2006

RYN: thanks everso for your note on my latest entry, the undersanding and support is appeciated! Now, go write yourself a new entry too, lol hugs P

RYN: No, I haven’t (yet) been to Monkey Mia, but your comment makes me even more interested in going there. One day……