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Ah, it has a back! Thank you. (And the back is not black!) I don’t know the blue-faced honeyeater, as we don’t see it down here, but I think Kiri’s right about it being a young one. This website has some photos of immature blue-faced honeyeaters that look rather like your one: http://www.mdahlem.net/birds/18/bluefhon.php

August 12, 2009

I definately think it is a blue faced honey eater http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Blue_faced_honeyeater_feeding444.jpg Great looking bird :O)

August 12, 2009

I happen to have a book on Aussie birds from when I lived there…it’s my bible lol. I miss the variety of birds and their colors…I got so excited when I saw a Willy wagtail on djd’s entry..how sad is that lol. Glad the mystery has been solved. *hugs*

August 13, 2009

I’ve seen lots of those while over here in QSLD and was told they are Mynha’s…..but I’d rather see the as Honeyeaters too. They sing a nice song. hugs P

August 13, 2009

ps..incidently, that last pic definately looks like an adolescnt bird, its tail isn’t fully developed. p

August 14, 2009

Very sweet birds. Good photos.

*Trots back in, hanging ignorant head in embarrassment*Conversation over coffee yesterday morning:Me: “Irene, have you ever seen a blue-eyed honey eater? Such an interesting bird.”Irene: “Oh, yes, they often come into my garden. They are seasonal, not there all year.”Oops!! Irene lives about 5 km. from me. Please change my statement above to “I don’t see it down here, but I obviously don’t look in the right places!”

August 20, 2009

RYN: It’s a big mouse year, so Mr. LBH saw the wisdom in getting a cat…as long as I look after him.

August 20, 2009

…we’ve caught 4 mice inside the house with mouse traps.

but of course! a virtual birthday party will be from 2-4 pm YOUR time. lol

August 21, 2009

Fergus has had his name for awhile.