Just sitting waiting

Ok I know there is lots of rubbish on the TV these days…but being on ones self just highlights the fact even more. Nobody to moan to or with makes it even worse. And over 50 channels to choose from and still nothing! sheesh!

I’m just waiting for djd to come home, well technically I am, probably I will be in bed asleep by the time he creeps back into the house after midnight tonight.

Of course if there was something decent to watch I would probably stay up but there isn’t and I know that the sand man will win the day.

The dogs are happy….its gotten very cold here today and the wind is rather strong and chilly. So I’ve put the gas  heater on,  the beagle is extermely happy to be stretched out in front of it and Pepsi is not far from the heat either. Oh wait I spoke too soon the dogs have changed position now Pepsi is stretched out in front.

They too will be glad to see djd back cause that means they will be walked in the morning. I dont take them when I am on my own as I dont think its a very safe thing for me to do early in the morning when it is so dark not discounting the fact that the dogs would pull me in two different directions as they like to walk/trot at different speeds.

SAE is a happy girl, much happier than she was on Sunday thats for sure…..she rang me on Sunday to have a self pity session only I wasn’t going to have any of that!!! My daughter needs to be told the realities of life or she tends to wallow in self pity and the woe is me mode..,.,..so I had to explain to her how much fun she will have, and there is plenty of support for her at Uni to help her get through it all. Basically I kicked her behind and then got her cousin EM to txt her and reassure her that all would be fine. Of course what would a mother know right?

So she went off Monday and met up with somebody she knew when she was 7 and has made friends again, she has made a commitment to herself that she is not going to sit with people she knows and sit with strangers so she gets to meet new people…she has even brought herself a wall planner and is getting organised for lectures, tutorials and papers….I am so proud of her!!!  I’d like to think some of my brow beating her this last year is starting to do some good and I can take credit for some of this but maybe I’m just being a bit egotistical.

I have to wonder though over the years what has changed in me to want to push SAE to go to UNI when as I left school it was the very last thing I wanted to do but I so wanted to make sure that she went. I guess its just that part of a parent that always wants to see their kids do well.

WEll thats enough verbal diaherra for now I guess.

Till next time diary

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February 28, 2006

Aren’t the cooler nights sheer bliss! I used to love walking our dog at 6am before going to work but I think 2 dogs is hard work! I tried walking my parents dogs (2 silky terriers or should I say terrors!) but they kept getting their leads all tied up and cutting infront of me… talk about dangerous! Now I remember why I only have cats and fish lol. *hugs*

February 28, 2006

Hopefully djd will be snoring beside you verrrrry soon. You have every right to be proud of SAE and she has every right to be thankful for you. She will do you proud – wallow in that glow!!! And you took the right tack with her too, showing no mercy. Getting cuzzy EM on board was a good plan. Yes the cold nights are closing in aren’t they? Warm cosy evenings indoors, here we come.

February 28, 2006

RYN I think THAT poem will be for another sort of book! The one I wrote today is one the bros would think very boring I’m afraid.

Congratulations on SAE for her good start to uni. I’m impressed at her resolution to sit next to strangers; she’s obviously self-assured and mature, should get a lot from her university experience.

March 1, 2006

its even starting to get cooler in evenings and early morn up here too…but still hot in day…I just wish we’d get some of that rain from the south island. Hope you got a good sleep and weren’t disturbed when djd came in. huggles

March 4, 2006

I bet you wished you had one to bed sweets :O) Sleeping on the settee is no fun really…… Next week Christchurch …