just not in the mood



My baby is not well….my beagle – cola

We took her to the vet on Wednesday and she was not right…they kept her and put her on drip…and then over the next few days she went from bad diarrhea to kidney failure,  to bad kidney infection and a urinary infection and not eating.

We picked her up on Saturday…her kidney’s better but still not eating, they thought she might eat this special diet at home…now on a special diet she wont eat.

My girl turns 15 years old in November…thats 73 in human years (some argue that its 105)

There is no way I can deny she is not my usual hungry beagle who I have to lock out of the laundry while I feed the cats…who goes for her morning walk and when we turn for home…she knows she is heading back for the left over cat food…this weekend..she has not even blinked an eye in the direction of the cats food

She wont eat the food the vets want her ot eat….some bland dired up can of gunk (but pepsi likes it…fo figure!!) we have given her chiken…a bit of pork….but she is just not the same doggy she was last week.

Just time now to see if she comes back to being my puppy cola



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i am so sorry. she wants to go. we can give love. we can giver heart. our soul. but when it is time for the one we love to go there is no stopping.

September 29, 2008

Poor old Cols…:O(

September 29, 2008

Oh….poor baby. 🙁

Oh, I’m so sorry. Seeing pets grow old and sick is really hard.

September 29, 2008

I wanted to cry seeing this entry….. poor Cola and poor you! It is heartbraking to watch them suffer like this. My daughters dog has been on a special strict diet for years due to pancreatitis…and often gets sick like this but always pulls through ( at great financial expense of course) so heres hoping Cola will too. Hugs her for me. love P

October 1, 2008

🙁 .. it’s a long life, sad that sickness comes on so fast..

So sorry sis. Will text/ring tomorrow – a bit late at the mo. Kay.

October 5, 2008

I hope she is feeling better this week, poor thing.