just feeling like piccies – no tales to tell

Been home sick today. Just a woman thing…yeah yeah I know you didn’t need to know 🙂

Here’s piccies for no good reason but to display a bunch of pictures

We need to grow these on our unruly bank

The bud of a peonie

Poof – in bloom

We have lots of lilies planted in pots….however this year they have not grown like they should….we are ready to cry


Not exactly sure what this machine is but it definately deals in hay making


Our garden is a mess and I do not exagerate in the slightest. But while cleaning up one of many weedy patches djd came across this little fellow.

We did wonder where mummy was!

Whats this, snow in December!!! you have to be kidding me!!

As as the sun goes down I close this entry

Till next time diary

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December 10, 2006

I Just hope Mummy stays out in the bush beside the house … Don’t think the garden is big enough eh :O)

Beautiful! Can you tell me how big those spiders are compared to say, coins of some sort?

December 11, 2006

Wonderful pictures.

December 11, 2006

very pretty flowers. hurried past the spiders. love the sunset! hope you get to feeling better soon. take care,

it’s supposed to snow in December! well, for the rest of us

December 11, 2006

that is a HUGE spider. i could never stand still long enough to get those shots…… i’d be running and screaming like a girl. you are amazing. and nice pics too. hope you feel up on top of it soon.

Ah, lovely – well, except for the spider, which I scrolled over quite quickly! That peony is spectacular! You have my sympathy over the lilies. I have tiger lilies, which have been coming up and flowering each summer for possibly forty years, with no attention at all. Even they are stunted this year, with no buds as yet, poor things. And I don’t think my white Christmas lilies are all that fond ofthe soapy water I’m giving them. Hopefully next year your lilies and mine will be back to normal.

lovely shots. per ususal! thanks for sharing them, and feel better soon.

December 12, 2006

Hope you’re feeling better? Beautiful photos … what a lovely place you live in. That must help you to feel better. Not long ’til Xmas and the eagle!

December 12, 2006

wonderful pics…I especially love the peonies and the spider…..thats one amazing shot of the wee fella! And of course the lillies reminded me of the one you send me when I was in Thames…. I never was able to uplift it at the time I moved…but apparently its “bloomin’ luverly” according to my old neighbour. Hope you are feeling better by now. hugs P

December 15, 2006

LOL wasn’t sure if I should leave this note of gratitude on yours or DJD’s diary! Thanks for the smiles and sweet notes. Times a tickin, don’t forget your tree! And above all, have fun with it. You are both very special people and I’m glad I found you, or you found me or something like that! I’m sure it was at Gypsy’s picnic, I think! Merry Christmas my friend.

December 15, 2006

By the way, I love the peonie, such a beautiful flower.

December 17, 2006

Wonderful macros of the flowers and the spiders. I’m thinking National Geographic. The sunset is truly stupendous. Snow in December here is as common as, well, snow in December.

December 23, 2006

Hello…it’s about time for another entry, doncha think?

January 1, 2007

What a spooky looking spider.