I’ve run out of ?????



Well djd has already done his fond farewell and now it is my turn as well.

I have found over the last 6 months or so that I have found writing in my diary a task, a chore. There is no fun in it for me anymore.

When I first started to write in my diary it was for myself but as the years have gone by I started to write to an auidence….how strange it has become to make my entries more towards entertaining others than me writing for myself.

This has all lead me down a path of only skim reading my favourites now…picking up on something and noting. Sometimes I don’t even bother to note anymore. I think this is a pattern for many readers as your favourite list becomes longer and longer.


So because of this I have decided to not write here anymore. With winter fast approaching I am going to work on building more into our website dinzie. I have grand ideas of creating a comments page about places we have visited, countries, restuarants, hotels and the like. Would also like to display our photo’s there as well on our trips from the past and into the future. I think that should keep me out of mischief for the winter 🙂


So I shall say tut ta, goodbye and farewell. Good wishes to you for the future in whatever path you are travelling down, you never know I may be back to visit you one day 🙂

Good bye my diary

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April 14, 2007

Oh no…I was afraid that this would happen. Still, I applaud your energy for change and self-growth. May your new diary be fulfilling, your travels many and your life exciting. I think George and McQueen msut be brothers. Just posted a couple of shots of McQueen today.

April 14, 2007

Oh…and if you should decide to pass this way once in awhile, please look me up.

April 14, 2007

First! Hey, what have I missed? I had no idea you and DJD were planning on taking off from OD! You will be sooo missed. I understand the time factor thing…but please don’t close your diary straight off, maybe you could write every couple of months an update. Meantime, I will watch your website development. Hugs to you all, esp the wonderful Pepsi and co. love P

April 14, 2007

oh…not first after all.. I was when I started writing. Boo hoo !!! take care, hugs again P

grumble. cant leave a note. that is half the fun. grumble.

April 14, 2007

Stunning pics as ever….All the best with the travel DJD and the future will keep an eye on that web site, adieu.

Oh, I will miss you! But there’s no point in writing when the fun goes out of it, is there. I hope you are revitalised with your new website. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your entries and admiring your photos; Thank you and best woshes.

April 15, 2007

I must say i have enjoyed reading your diary Hope you DJD have a wonderful time with your photos and garden Thinking of you x

April 15, 2007

Good luck with the website and best wishes to you both!

April 15, 2007

It’s been nice seeing life down under – best wishes.

i hauled sweetie to the edge of the world in a camper van. we felw to seattle washington and from there drove to the pacific ocean. photos to follow, and they are of spectacular country.

i miss you. so much.

RYN: Oh, how nice! I will know they are all going o a good home! AND I know how much djd wants them! *grin*