Its been that long!

I can not believe it has been over 2 weeks since I have written anything and that nothing has happened!

OK so thats not technically true, but tonight I have been energised to write something.

Mainly due to a long lost friend and a friend who was on a short break.

Firstly my long lost friend, I am just so thrilled to have touched base with her again and I so hope we continue to keep in touch as much as I hope she finds FOD a place to express that brillant humour she has and the stories she has to tell inside her.

We met many years ago over the net, a mutual click even though she was many miles from me in Canada. It got to such a comfortable stage with us that a phone call was not a problem in fact if memory serves me right we spent almost 5 hours on the phone one night….oh and how my ex-dh was so pissed off, maybe that was becuase we no longer spoke to each other for more than 5 minutes!

Anyway this woman I admire for raising 4 children and a husband! and now she has cared for a sick mother and I admire her even more for the strength she has for doing the caring she does.

And my other inspiration for my entry is a friend who I met on FOD who went on a break to see her family and I never relised until today how much I had actually missed emailing and noting to her.

Is it not strange how we can become so self absorbed that sometimes we dont even realise how much other people have an influence in our lives.

I look forward to Wednesday when I have the rest of the week off and I can spend it with my sweet djd. Oh and my mother and her aunt are desending upon us as well….that should be fun and an eye opener for djd :))

Till next time diary

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Looking forward to hearing the stories about the upcoming visit from your Mom and aunt – have fun!

great to hear from you again and I hope the visit goes well. I will say a prayer for you..heheh. (Actually I feel exactly like that when my dad comes to visit so totally understand). Also please let me know when your long lost friend gets her FOD diary up and running, would like to check it out as she sounds great fun. I am back into a busy routine now home again and await a letter. hugz