It was a hot one today



We’ve had a nice relaxing weekend….Sunday night here and tomorrow we have taken Monday off and Tuesday is a public holiday…so Wednesday before we have to head back to work…yippeeeeee

We’ve been out and about in the last couple of days…took our camera’s of course.

I’m still getting use to this new one and am having some real mixed results….its annoying me….and now I see where my daughter gets her trait of wanting to be perfect at something new.

So here’s a few……novice in practice



 djd has shown the best piccies of the day on the dragon fly but I like my first one becauese of the way the sun makes the wings look golden…bit blurry in the body though



 And Lightbuthearty….djd doesn’t have macro… nor did he use a tripod..I’m afraid he just has pure talent 🙂



  djd doesn’t like my "arty" pics 🙂



 And today was a beautiful hot hot day…we went to open houses up the coast looking for a rental to buy and instead found kids having fun in the sun & sea




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February 3, 2007

Ilike allyour photos sweets …. they look great :O)

oh wow! fabulous shots! you are getting better and better!

February 3, 2007

well I like your arty pics…especially the tree roots and those kids in the sea. DJD may not have macro but he does have amazing lens and camera quality. But then, so do you my friend…remind him its not a competition..its about affordable cameras as much as having a good eye for a subject, as you do. hugs P

February 3, 2007

That dragonfly must have been freaked out to have so many “things” pointed at him lol. Great pics, I love experimenting as often what you think wouldn’t be any good often is. Summer is definitely here now…just when the kids go back to school I might add! I think most of NZ has taken Monday off for a long weekend lol. *hugs*

February 4, 2007

The second photo of the root looks very much like a lizard crawling through the moss. These are mixed results? Pretty darn good I would say…you are far too hard on yourself. The grass at the top looks so silky…like the mane of a unicorn. Ok if I get all metaphorical about your arty photos? Pure talent….ok then, I guess my ego can take it!

February 4, 2007

It’s hard to believe that dragonfly let him get so close without flying away!

February 4, 2007

heyyy lol you both take great shots and djd can leave the ‘art’ to you ……. and we’ll still get to see you both approach perfection

Wow! If these photos are the work of you as a novice, what will your photos be like with more practice?! I wonder if that dragonfly realises how photogenic it is? I particularly love your photo from directly behind it, making its markings a series of upside down Vs.

February 5, 2007

hot? Hot? It was 25 degrees below zero farenheit today, I have no idea how cold that is C. I don’t think your thermometor goes that low. LOL 🙂

February 5, 2007

ryn: really? it made you tired? so it’s not just me? good photos!!

February 5, 2007

I love this pictures – they are great. I hope this test gives results as well, it’s been going on for nearly 2 months now, the weight loss is not good and he hates to see me eating a nice dinner while he has soup. He tried a dinner tonight and now is in pain. Take care – Hugs x

i had a big refund coming, so i wanted to file, sides, we have more than one source of income, so we have to anyway. now. do we take a cruise or remodel the kitchen? oh wow. a cruise any day of the year hands down wins that call.

February 9, 2007

Fantastic fotos. Practice makes perfect they say – but where can you go from there? Hope this weekend also allows you more time to practice.

February 10, 2007

RYN: thank you so much for thinking of me. That gypsy fair is possibly one that my friend Judy travels with, she does palm readings and art…they travel all over Aotearoa. I will email addy. hugs P

February 10, 2007

it’s about a seven hour drive from boise to yellowstone park… it’s butt-cold over there during the winter… over -20F brrrrrrrrrrrr 🙂

February 18, 2007

What have you been up to lately? Time for an entry where you show us more of your fabulous photos.

depends on the juried case. civil is a lot of fun. criminal and i would have to be allowed to step down as i am retired from the sheriff’s department. long story that one is..