It all started last Wednesday and a long story!


My daughter SAE started to get pains in her stomach. She rang to tell me and I gave it my usual question and answer attention and left it at that. She rang again Thursday…ok  tis a bit  unusual,  told her to go to the doctor…nope.  Friday  still  in pain, so go to the doctor…rang  no doctor available but if she wants to, she could go see the nurse and they could just have a look and make sure she isn’t still sick from the bad chest infection she had a couple of weeks ago.

Driving home that night I get the call, ‘Mum they are sending me to the hospital cause they dont know whats wrong and they found blood in a urine sample and I have a high tempature" Oh!! is your father with you…yep…do you want me to come over??…no its ok…I’ll call you later and tell you whats going on…oh ok…..still could I settle could I eat, just hanging around waiting for the phone call…..just should have gone over…sheesh…..and then the phone call from dh(SAE’s father commonly known to me as dick head), "she’s been been for blood test, gynocologists have looked her over, she’s had one lot of xrays, might be a blockage in the bowel…just waiting for the next lot of xrays and then we should be out of here" Finally a bit of relief give me that gin I need it!!! and then at 11.30pm…"Mummmmm they are keeping me in…sob….they dont know what it is ….sob….and they want to keep me in for observation…sob…." Right I’m coming over….."ok….sob"

So having now had my couple of gins….I cant drive!!! nor can djd….so taxi!! I tell you what though…you call for a taxi in the middle of the night to go to the hospital and its there in 5 minutes!!! So 40 minute ride over and into the hospital straight in to SAE and there she is suffering from a morphine dose…kinda happy and doopy all in one 🙂 rather cute if it wasnt for the circumstances… but then never will really seeing how you only ever get it because of pain!!

So this is the first time in the 8 years since I left dh that I have had to be in the same confined space as him and I had to bite my tounge and not be rude….no matter how tempting it was… for SAE’s sake.

So apparently they have asked her all kind of question, last time period, last time sex!!!! you name it they asked her, you name it they did it…well not everything, but everything they could that night. I finally managed to persuade dh to piss off now… at 3am they finally moved her to the short stay unit and she fell asleep and I went home to crawl into bed at 4am to get up again at 8am to head back to the hospital.

So having to spend more time in a confined space wtih dh is just about killing me, theres me and SAE reading mags and him being a pain in the arse!! I’m sorry there is just no polite way for me to describe him!

Finally work got the better of him and he had to leave, SAE still in a bit of pain, temp still bit high but not as much as before but still there. They want to now do a scan on her and see if its maybe kidney stones or ovaries or appendix. Its off to a ward now! So this is Saturday….and late afternoon she has the scan and I get to see more of my daughter than I thought I ever would, like the kidneys, the spleen, the ovaries and the bladder but no appendix which what they are starting to suspect it might be!! Poor kid she had hold on as well and not pee till after the scan and then after the scan the nice doctor pointed her in the direction of the toilet and as soon as she stepped back onto the ward they say "oh we need a pee sample, next time you go"…..oh good grief….it takes hours for the stores to build up….she’s on a drip and no food or fluids!!! Has been since Friday night….and then the news, they want to operate and go in with a scope and have a look about…..and possibly remove the appendix at the same time seeing how they will be in there and seeing how it might be causing the problem.

By 8pm Saturday night I finally got them to understand that SAE was miserable, distressed and extremly upset and not wanting to stay as she had now not eaten for 30 hours!!! can they please find out if its going to happen tonight and if not let her eat!!! By this time the pain in her side had subsided quite a bit and it only hurts when the doctor pressed down on her side…still a problem but not like it had been. They caved and said she could eat…finally a happy girl…..and off home I go to get some sleep!

Back on Sunday doctors want her to have the op, they want to go in and look about with camera’s (scoping) and remove the appendix….calling it key hole surgery which means not opening her up but making 3 small entry pionts for the camera’s and a balloon thing to inflate the area. She finally agree’s and its all on again for Monday.

Monday….surgery day…no dh he has a very important course to go to….and SAE understands and is ok with that cause she has her mummy….and yes that pisses him off too….he is such a dh!!! Only his work collegues found out and he got the push to be there…(even SAE figured this one out!!)

So we have a whole day of each others company and oh the effort I made to not rock the boat and say something even though he is soooo pissing me off…still this story is not about me and my frustrations but my poor SAE whos hungry, frustrated and pretty pissed off by 9pm and still no sign of an operation….but no word to say its off either….dh goes home, he has the course tomorrow and I stay on…and on…and on….and on….SAE finally goes to sleep about 12am and I stay on…I’ve promised I will be there when she is taken off to theatre and when she wakes up…….I get to sleep on a chair in the day room….if you call it sleeping….picture this….its an old recliner chair… I have my coat which has a hood I’m curled up on the chair with my hood pulled over my head to stop the light getting in and not only that but a patient has come into the area…after midnight… to talk to her girlfriend about the last time her period had been and when she had sex for the first time with her boyfriend and funnily enough that actually puts me to sleep for an hour!!!

Still no word the op is off at 1.30am…so back to my chair…and sleep for another couple of hours…next time up, creep back into the ward yep she’s still there…creep out and back to my chair for another hours sleep….morning at last!! Of course all the night traffic has been able to witness my sleeping slumber and probably my snoring as well!!!

SAE is no fun when she is tired,hungry and beyond being amused!! By 2pm she is seriously depressed and crying and wanting to leave when finally they say "your on your way!!"

Oh my baby!!!! be brave!!!

3 hours later she is whelled back into the room and on seeing me my little girl is back "Mummy!!!", its all over, the appendixare out and she’s doped up again with morphine and she is in babble mode…"Thank you for being here…thank you for staying last night….thank you mummy I love you". dh arrives and I hand over I’m out of there, 33 hours without much sleep has done me in!! a good 10 hours sleep does wonders!!!

They dont keep em long in the hospital these days, its Wednesday the op
was yesterday and SAE is out and at home with me to recover and to ….

eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat.

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August 2, 2006

you poor things….SAE must have been scared stiff as well….and you all had a lot to cope with….you even survived that time with DH…. whew!!!! Well, its over now….let the healing begin…… rest, food, rest, food….etc etc…. Take care..hugs to you all..P

August 2, 2006

Oh you poor thing – the things we mothers do – but just think – SAE will always remember what you did for her.Now you get some sleep – I think you just might sleep for days!

August 2, 2006

OH wow! It’s scary to be a mom sometimes. Did they ever figure out what was the root of all the pain to begin with?

August 2, 2006

Glad SAE is better now and that the operation went well. And yes you were a very good mother to not put DH in a hospital bed as well. I’ll be praying for you all and hope that SAE has a very speedy recovery.

i take it that having her appendix out took care of the problem!

August 2, 2006

What an ordeal for you and SAE. Did they conclude that the pain was appendicitis?

Whew! What an experience for both of you! Lucky SAE to have you at her side.