I’m being told off!!

I’m being told off for not writing!! but I’ve nothing to say šŸ™‚

Its been a beautiful day here, the smell of summer just around the corner. We’ve just been out for lunch at our favourite cafe (an old converted church) where we felt that we justified in eating cause it was an old church and this is sunday !

On the way back we saw smoke in the distance, close to home but not that close to worry us. Its in the same place that a few years back an arsenist would light fires and scare us all as its a hill covered in pine trees. Think it must be under control as we heard the helicopter a while back but dont hear it now. Dont know how this one got started but the steam engine muesum that has a tack that runs past the place the fire was had its steam engine chugging up and down the line today…so maybe….whoops just heard the copter again.

I applied for a couple of jobs and have another one that i am thinking of going for. I was rung up last week about going for an interview with one of them….the only trouble is I didnt catch the name of the firm the lady said at the beginning so I’m not really sure which one it was, however she is sending me an email with interview time etc so will be able to work it out from there….only hassle after that if not the one I’m thinking of then I don’t have the job description and will have to be an egg and ask for a copy of one!! DOH!!

I’ve finally made my mind up to move on from where I work, its taken me probably a good 2 or 3 years to decided but I had to do this in my time and nobody elses (are you reading this djd!!) But now is the right time, I feel at work that there are things going on I have become disappointed about because no action is happening to stop it. I’ve really loved my role and the people I’ve been with but 6 years is long enough I guess….still if I am lucky enough to move on I shall miss the good friends I have made there.

djd’s son is coming over tonight, we will go pick him up shortly….been awhile since we have seen him…wonder what he has been up to lately!!

SAE is panicking about NCEA 3 this year and its been rather stressful for her and that brings on tonsilitise(sp) attacks……and she ends up having to take time off school and it all just adds to the stress. Still she says she wont have it while she is at uni and the next attack they can see about removing them!! the doctors wouldn’t do it when she was younger as she wouldn’t get them regular enough and with moving about the country with her dad, she missed out seeing the same doctor all the time…..still she is a stubborn girl and wouldn’t push anyone in doing anything about it before now anyway….

Well better get a move on or we will be late in picking up BD….

Till next time…..next year :))

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Oh, it’s lovely to see an entry from you. Welcome back! Best wishes for the success of your job applications.

October 22, 2005

I’ve been telling you it was time to move on for 3 years now My sunshine :O) Time you did …Onwards and upwards to beigger and greater things !!!!! hee hee :O)

October 23, 2005

About time!!! *smiles*….truly nice to see you back here, although DJD has kept us well entertained. Funny though, a man’s perspective differs somewhat doesn’t it? Wish your girl good luck from me for her exams, I’m sure she’ll be fine…but understand effects of exam pressures. good luck with the job hunts too…keep us informed. Take care my friend, and you can stop lighting fires now.LOL. hugs