I’m back but did you know I was gone :-)



I’mmmm baaaaaacccckkkkk!!!!!

Did you miss me šŸ™‚

Got back yesterday from Australia…a short 12 day visit…not long enough but probably long enough.
We spent most of the time in Queensland and finished in Sydney.

Have lots and lots of pictures to show..of course that djd has already posted some of his….I’m afraid I will have to bore you with repeats…well of subject matter maybe but taken by me.

Back to work today….where nothing fazed me, not even two cheeky staff hiding on me until after the start time to make me think they weren’t there today šŸ™‚

posting soon with day 2 in Oz

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August 10, 2009

HA…your staff must be fun to work with. You won’t bore me with your photos…go for it.

i missed you.

Welcome back. I’m looking forward to your photos.