I need your opinion



From our balcony we often see beautiful sunsets in the distance. Below you will find examples of those sunsets over the last 3 weeks. I have a favourite and I’m just wondering if there is one you like as well?? Somebody recently told me that they had a friend who has a whole album of sunsets sitting on their coffee table but have become quite immune to the beauty themselves….I hope that never happens to us:)

And yes the sample is of sunsets on different days…no two are the same day.











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December 31, 2006

The 4th and the last are my favs

December 31, 2006

4, 5 & 9 :O)

December 31, 2006

I love them all, I will never become immune to such beauty and take many sunsets myself. I think if I had to choose from there, it would be numbers 3,4,5,6, and the final one. Happy New year to you and DJD. love P

December 31, 2006

There is something spectacular about each of them. I’ve just spent a while trying to decide which I like best. If I have to pick, .. 3,4,6 and 8… with number 4 being first pick. How can you pick a favorite sunset? 🙂

December 31, 2006

Oh crud, I didn’t count them correctly, hold on….make that 3,4,6,7 and 9 and 4 is still first pick!

December 31, 2006

#2, #4, and the last one. I think the last one is my fave.

December 31, 2006

I haven’t figured out how to capture such beauty with my little digital point-and-shoot. It’s probably an impossibility, and I should just live vicariously through your magnificent photography, instead. 🙂

December 31, 2006

I like the top one myself. #4 and #7 look quite a bit like the ones around here.

December 31, 2006

Thank you for visiting my diary. The skies are all beautiful, but I like # 4/5 and 9. All I can say is >>>>> WOW. God sure is a wonderful artist! Happy New Year.

December 31, 2006

Thanks for your note – and a Happy New Year to you as well. I love pics of sunsets as you say two are never the same, I like all of them but the last one best. I am going to make this year the year I get to my goal weight, I kind of wasted this year going on a dream holiday for 3 weeks and then quitting smoking. I put on a lot of weight and started smoking again because I was down about theweight – never ending circle ! Take Care x

December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

December 31, 2006

RYN: I have run out of credit on TradeMe so won’t be logging any more items for a few days….will be putting a few photos on there but not too many. Will let you know details when I do…but I reckon stuff you and DJD take is even better. Trouble is….many pics don’t sell on TradeMe..am thinking I may try Webshots next. I do have a couple of arty collages on there with cat photos on, they are under the category of ‘other’ in the art section…can’t remember my user name there though but you will find them. the auction closes tomorrow (tuesday).. hugs P

oh. i love them all!

January 1, 2007

5 is really cool looking because it’s the “oddest”. but it’s maybe not my favorite. can’t pick a favorite. each of them is a “best”…….

January 1, 2007

I like the 2nd one.

January 1, 2007

RYN: I wonder if I told them it’s a public holiday where you are that they would let me have another day off !!! I always trying it with Thanksgiving and other US holidays as well !. I think I need to win the lottery and give it up all together, I just do voluntary work then !! Have a good day – Hope the weather is better

ryn, celine dion did a wonderful non stop 2 hour concert and i cried during some of the love songs.

January 1, 2007


January 2, 2007

I love no. 6 – it’s eerie and poetic!

January 10, 2007

they’re all beautiful, sunsets and sunrises settle the soul somehow and these are gifts