how does this work again?

I live and breath

Thought I would pay a visit to an old haunt 🙂

I’ve been keeping up to date via djd so at least I know a little bit of whats been happening.

At the moment djd is tapping away furiously at his pc cause today has been an eventful day for the dinzie’s!! I cant wait to see his slant on the day, of course I am fully aware I may have to note him just to correct some minor points.

Life has been really busy of late, work has been great as I have been working on a project and I’ve found it really interesting and challenging as well as giving me a break from my usual routine of duties at work.

SAE seems to have settled down a bit since breaking up with the boyfriend some 3 months ago and I am really pleased she seems to be spending a bit more time with her girlfriends.  LIfe is too short to lose girlfriends to boyfriends!

We’ve decided to go to Perth next year for a break, about 3 weeks, well thats if we dont have a major bill to pay……hopefully our latest disaster will be covered by the insurance…..djd has probably told a complete entry on this one!

Anyway I managed to book tickets to perth on Friday, one way at this stage, and get them upgraded to business class straight away due to the frequent flyer points we have accumulated over the last two trips to england. I cant wait, only ever once did a business class trip but it hardly counts cause it was to Vanuatu and although the seats were great and service wonderful it was only a short flight.

One of my sisters lives in Perth so will be good to see her again, although I will be seeing them in mid October due to the fact that one of my other sisters is renewing her vows with her hubby, a sentimental moment for all if it was not tinged with much sadness as my brother in law has been diagonsised with a brain tumor and has been told he may not see the next 6 months out.

This will be the first time in 10 years that my mother will have all her children together. Oh the tales that will be re-lived and my poor djd who will have his first full blown expose to a “family” reunion!!!

Well djd has finished tapping away I better enter this and check his tale of woe!

Maybe I will try to write more but I just wont promise

Till next time diary

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October 2, 2004

I’m sure you will have much to write tomorrow as we build our first BBQ together sweets :O) And then on monday when you have the Chem dry man visit gain along with the insurance assessor and the Washing machine man …. Much happeneing eh 😮

October 2, 2004

interesting entry, I am glad you are getting a well deserved holiday, and at first wondered why Perth, now I understand. Sad about sisters hubby, hope you get to spend a memorable time with them both while you can. Now, where did I put my faves list? Must check DJD and make sure he has filled in the gaps……RYN am very busy but will try and do an extra box for you sometime soon, hugs

It’s nice to see you here again. The trip to Perth sounds great, including that business class flight. And I can imagine how good it will be to get together with your whole family this month, even though the get-together will be tinged with sadness.