Hong Kong


 Oh my how I love Hong Kong. If I could I would go back tomorrow and explore all the places we never got a chance to. I think, other than wonderful Wellington…I could easily say I would live there. Apart from Vanuatu after we win lotto of course 🙂

Arrived late afternoon on our first day, settled into the hotel room and wondered out for dinner….The next day up and out there we go…………….I had done all this research before we had left nz…it resulted in me printing out a 45 page (double sided) book of things to do and places to see.

Found a wonderful site that gave instructions street by street, bus stop by bus stop, ferry by ferry description of how to get to different places.

This day brought the walk called "Central and Western DistrictThis Hong Kong Walk is also very well known as "Travel Through Time" and travel through time we did…from streets with all sorts of dried food, to shops with antiques, to the more modern convenience of escalator after escalator taking us up up up.

Was a rather hot day….and we walked for miles….we promised ourselves to go back but never did. We brought tiger balm patches you can place on your body to ease the pain of strains and aches….they are life savers for djd when he hurts his back 🙂 In fact I think we had to use them occassionally in Hong Kong 🙂

After the escalators came a wonder garden….and then a walk back down the hill to catch the MTR back to the hotel, to allow two rather weary travellers time to recover 🙂

Trolley buses…one of the oldest forms of transport

Only a tourist would find this interesting 🙂

You strange tourists you….

Dried food everywhere 🙂

If you let your imagintion go wild you wont see nuckles and a bone 🙂

Ancient Hong Kong surrounded by the new Hong Kong…..a temple in a city

and inside the old with the young

We found our wonderful park from our last visit…you would not believe how small this monkey really was

We sat in this park looking out over the water fountain…catching our breath and soaking up the scenery

A sign of modern Hong Kong

How much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats 4 million in kiwi dollars thats 2.5 million USD

Maybe it was the view they could see that  I couldn’t see that made it that pirce????

and that was our day in Hong Kong 🙂



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awesome! HK intimidates me. my impression of it is a billion people per square inch! now i am not so intimidated, but 20 mil hk dollars to own an apt? ack. my first thought is that money was build on the blood and the backs of others. and my second thought is i would far rather come visit you..but i do appreciate your sharing these shots. when you share your experience you help me understand abit more about this grand world we live in.

September 15, 2008

A few Tiger Balm Patches !!!!!!!!!!!!! My Back was broken !!! I wore them just about every day!!! What about that strange catholic priest Who took a fancy to you and chatted with you the whole way down the street with the bill board !! The one who took the micky out of me and my big belly :O)

Oh, lovely, lovely photos! I particularly like the one with the truck of cartons (What were they? Waste paper maybe?) and the guy looking at you with the bemused expression on his face. I smiled at your 45 pages of information; you’d surely done your homework!

September 17, 2008

gosh, what expensive apartments…..and I agree its hardly worth it for that view. Thanks for sharing this great adventure of yours with us…I’d also love to visit HK one day, even if its just to release that wee monkey from its cage. smiles and hugs P

October 5, 2008

Hong Kong…what a mixture of old and new, ancient and high tech. They don’t seem to be as fussed about the changes as we are.