has been awhile hasn’t it

Been rather busy at work, finally have all floors onboard at our new building….lost one of my team due to redundancy….this has just increased the work load on the team left….I will give it time…but I feel there is a need for an extra staff member….but the bosses don’t see it like that right now. I need to do some more calculation on tasks and time….I will get there or I will walk! I’m not going to kill myself on a role they have made so tight that when we are one staff down we cant cope…..stupid number crunching accountants…never have one as a boss they cant quantify customer service with the dollar!!!

SAE starts uni next week….4 months break between but she has worked worked and worked….but that was to just survive…managed to save money though which allowed her to get into a flat with the two guys she had been sharing temp arrangements with….they have set up a new flat which all costs money of course…but at least she had it….thats the first time she has ever had to do it herself and not rely on mum…I would say dad but my anger towards this dick head is beyond words in some of the things he has done to SAE recently….

Sis from OZ and her family are in NZ and will be with us next weekend….the eagle aka Mum will be here as well….so we will have a very full house and the garden is a mess…yes I know we always say it is…and yep you would be right in thinking it does not ever improve….its so bad I am far too ashamed to post any pictures of the garden….just the flowers. We do however now have a man coming to cut our….hahahhahaha….lawn…well what we laughingly call a lawn…..we need a gardener as well!!

Couple of weekends ago we took the cameras for a day trip into Wellington…pictures following along with the flowers from the garden 🙂

Still getting used to the camera…..I need to spend a full on week with it to get it all into my head….of course we could be holiday at the same time that would be nice 🙂 Maybe in a few months ……….

The mouth of the Wellington Harbour


What you dont vacum your sea beds???


So there was this seagul a shag and a sand piper…….


There is just so much going on in the Harbour on a hot sunny day


 City skylines are great on a blue sky day!


Yeah the only way to get around!!


Bungy jumping kiddie style


Then home to our messy garden but pretty flowers 🙂








 Oh and oulin just for you…a picture of the Wellington library…its the one with all the glass and blue strips between the two pink buildings I just knew you would be fascinated 🙂


cheerio for now

Till next time diary

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February 23, 2007

love the photo of the bee on the flower!! that’s so pretty!! i think i’d love to visit your library. it’s so big compared to the one here. take care,

February 23, 2007

as usaul lovely shots ! geez if you get used to that camera we may have to begin paying to look ! good luck with the ‘family’ !

February 23, 2007

Beautiful photos! Work, isn’t that the way it always goes? They are reorganizing things where I work too. Trying to squeeze all they can out of as few people as possible seems to be the way it goes. I hope things settle down for you at work. Have a great time with your family visiting. Sending you a hug!

hoorah for libraries! i hope they dont have an accountant short staffing the workers and public service for the sake of the almighty dollar! thank you for the pic. i enjoyed all of them, but the library? that one especially so!

February 23, 2007

Beautiful flowers ! We had a time analyst come to our work who watched and timed what we did then a few mths later, cuts in staff. They only studied for a couple of days that weren’t that busy after that we didn’t have time to pee or even have a lunch break they shaved us so close.We quickly fell behind and all complained in writing with documented proof that we needed more staff. Didn’t help!

February 23, 2007

That balding fat guy in the last picture looks familiar …even from the back!!!

February 24, 2007


February 25, 2007

What *is* that guy doing with the sea bed? Is he really vaccuuming it?

February 25, 2007

That camera is a doozy! What beautiful pictures – i love the eye you have for the unusual and for happy people! It’s a gift! Looking forward to seeing Sis from Oz tomorrow – will take photos which you will get to see (eventually!)

February 26, 2007

Wonderful pictures, fantastic colours on everyone of them!. Thanks for leaving your notes!

March 2, 2007

just wonderful photos! ryn: hiiii! yes, that is from work to home. the traffic here is a real problem for everyone. it compounds with inclement weather.

Oh, I’m sorry things are difficult with staffing at your work. I hope you had a really great weekend with your family visiting. Those photos of Wellington remind me of how beautiful New Zealand is, even the big cities. But vacuuming the harbour???!!!


i did laugh when i read your note, but i must confess that as both of you are exhausted, i am very concerned that you have picked up a bug. and i am driven to ask both of you to eat raw cabbage. snicker. the psychic may be paychotic but do me a favor? have some cole slaw or something.

March 24, 2007

I must have missed this entry, wonderful pics. I am in the middle of setting up a new fish tanks and so hoping to get some good pictures. Hopefully the weekend will get better now, am on holiday from work – trust it to start like this !! Take Care and I hope to see some more great pics soon !

March 25, 2007

i so want to find a bungie ride for hannah and ben. till they got bigger, they had my son donnie to sling them about for fun, but they are getting too heavy now.