Gone to chase the rabbits



She was my dog….I had wanted a beagle many years ago…and when I turned 31 I wanted a beagle puppy for my birthday. I got my way


Pepsicola was a bure bred Beagle…she had many brother and sisters and I choose her from a litter of 8. She even had papers…she could have been a show dog…and I contemplated this but never did. Glad I didn’t as show dog life seems rather clicky to me.


There were continual arguments about her having pups…I fought that every step of the way…my ex who has no brains…thought we could make money from the puppies…he who at that time worked in another city and was never home. So who would be left to tend to the puppies? Well me of course so …no puppies.

She had very bad habits…some of which were natural to her and some that I never controlled….so for the first 5 years of her life she lived with me and the ex….then we split and at that stage my Cola went with my daughter who lived with her father…..too many details…to many guilt trips played over this time to go into but for the next 5 years I never saw Cola and only occasionally my daughter.


And then the ex decided that Cola was all too much….and w took her to come live with us. The second she got out of the car she settled down…it was like she had lived with us her entire life.


She was very fat, unhealthy….and didn’t look like she would live to the end of the year….but then we introduced her to walking every morning….to reduced food intake…and my darling wee girl continued to wake every morning and enjoy life.


Last October she became very ill…we thought we had lost her…but she bounced back….until last weekend….she was sleeping….a lot….and food which would normally entice her didn’t raise an eyebrow….Monday night we came home to find a garage showing signs of a sick Beagle….Tuesday night we took her to the vet…she had to go back on a drip and stay in.


Wednesday……the hardest but the only decision I could make was made….it was time for my darling beagle to go to that place where she could chase rabbits and destroy rubbish bags without being growled at .


My sweet darling djd was my rock….he supported me…he stayed with Cola to the end…I couldn’t stay…


I guess I am writing through the pain of losing my Cola and I hope that djd will help me once again and share the lighter side of Cola for she had such terrible bad habit which just made her Cola


Bye bye my puppy.

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i am so sorry.

March 19, 2009

:O| House seems that much more empty now …. But the cicadas are breathing a sigh of relief .. D

Oh McDinzie, I’m so sorry. You knew this was coming, some day soon, but that doesn’t make it any easier, does it. I like the thought of her chasing rabbits freely and happily.

March 19, 2009

i’m so sorry.

March 19, 2009


March 20, 2009

(((((((McD and DJD)))))))) so very very sorry for your pain. I know how precious she was and was memories you will both treasure. I can almost see her chasing those heavenly rabbits! Incidently, I have always liked Beagles myself, often thought of getting one….except I imagined they are hunters and don’t fancy that idea. My love and thoughts are with you in your sad time. P

March 23, 2009

Thank you for sharing your pain, What a wonderful life she must have had. RIP Cola

March 30, 2009

I am so sorry I missed this entry last week. It’s crushing to lose a loved friend like Cola. She was such a dear, sweet dog. Crummy thing to have happen just before winter.

April 10, 2009

RYN: Coyotes are quite large…I suppose in the dog world they’d be like a lighter boned german shepherd. Wolves are even bigger and we don’t see them often.

RYNs: I remember the wind in your city from my one visit there (40 years ago!) I can well imagine you’d generate more electricity from a windmill than from a solar panel.That road rage case is horrific. The interviewer I heard discussed road rage, felt there had to be a change in mindset, as there has been with drinking/driving and wearing seatbelts in Australia. But how to police it? One can’t use a breathalyser for aggression or check that an aggression-restrictor is being worn.