For those that want to know – warning lots of pics

djd latest post mentioned a geode, so I think I will expand.

Firstly I have been rather remiss in writing and picture posting. so here’s a quick catch up 🙂

Woke in Mackay to this

We drove to Townsville past lots of these

View from a Rock in Townsville

Graffiti taken to new heights

Worth the stop for

Shame it was raining..not really swimming weather

naughty gnomes

I was tempted to cool my boobs 🙂

Talk about having to work up a thirst to get a sugar drink !!!

Oh if only we had the money..we could be so tempted

So geode’s….for the basic story you need to read djd entry

but the guts is we wondered around this wonderful shop full of crystals…beautiful beautiful gems…and so we decided to "crack’ one open…was rather a show for those in the store who decided to gather when I was kitted out in safety goggles and djd was instructed to push down on a rather large lever….then crack the geode opened. It was beautiful and somehow the act of cracking it open made it all rather special.

Then we get back in the car…admiring our treasure and djd says

"When one of us dies we should bury one half with us"
"A connection between us even through death"….

I was speechless…..I could feel the emotion begin to surface…the tears began to well in my eyes…my bottom lip started to quiver…I still could not speak the words I was so thinking.

"Oh just forget it then" grumbles djd to my silence…."it was just an idea…a good one I thought…."

are you kidding man!!! I’m crying with emotion at one of the most enduring things you have ever said to me and you think I’m insulting you!!!!!!

finally he glances over and I get the "oh good grief"!!!

"I think its a wonderful idea" I finally manage to struggle out…lots of patting of hand on my leg and tut tuts and the world returns to normal with our shared treasure held in my hands.

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October 1, 2009

what a man…….. he told it different. *hugs you and grins* i’m glad the geode was pretty.

October 1, 2009

tears in my eyes .. how damn cute!!

You two are quite a couple! *smile*And I was so distracted by that lovely story I forgot to say how beautiful your photos are. I’ve had crushed sugar cane water in Indonesia and Malaysia, can almost taste it again looking at your photo.

October 2, 2009

was that raw sugar cane ? Great photos…I adore those naughty gnomes!!! I have called around twice to old address to collect seeds but they’re never home. I will continue to persist and let you know. thanks again. hugs P

October 2, 2009

the geode story is very sweet.

October 3, 2009

The his and hers versions of the geode burying suggestion are quite different. You have to give djd credit for referring everyone here for a balance view…which I would have gotten when I visited your diary. What colour was the geode?

that was sweet.

October 9, 2009

RYNs: Yes, that entry got a bit more response than I’d expected – and on topics I hadn’t expected, too! (I know almost nothing about unsanctioned migration to the US – and am not particularly interested in learning more. We get into quite enough knots over our own asylum seekers. *smile*) Yes, our Javanese gamelan is similar to Balinese gamelan, though some of the instruments are a tad different, and the Javanese music tends to be slower and less vigorous. But if you like the Balinese variety, you’d probably like our type, too.

November 9, 2009

RYN about the corn .. how close it too close ?