Feels like the first day of Autumn

BRRRRRRR…its a bit chilly this morning….so I guess the summer has come to an end, all too soon…..the only bright side is that we are heading to OZ tomorrow for 3 weeks so we hope to have a bit more "summertime".

We’re heading off to Perth and Western OZ…its been a long time in coming this trip and I am just exhausted as is djd. I have always vowed that one should take lots of breaks during a year but its been 15 months since a decent break and I’m really feeling it. It doesn’t help that I have been involved in a project at work for the last 8 months building a new system and the pressure is now on to get it completed tested etc as we go "live" in 4 weeks…..1 week after I get back. Basically the last 3 weeks of work have been hell, the staff are all stretched to the max and the stress levels on our floor are very noticable….we all now it and there is just no solution we just have to get through it……anyway that enough about work cause I’m on holiday :)))

djd son bd is coming to look after the animals, however my nephew and fiancee who were not meant to come here until beginning of April turned up this week, so now as we leave there is a house full of people. I hope they all get along, bd doesn’t actually arrive until late tonight (where is that mans head!!!) so it will be survival of the fittest after we leave early on Saturday morn…but we wont care as long as the animals are taken care of 🙂

The gas heater is being installed while we are away as well, so hopefully when we get back from those hot Aussie days we will be able to switch the heater on and have fond memories of where we have just been!

Well better get a move on, dont have time to sit here all day, house to clean, clothes to wash and dry, clothes to pack, food to go get, djd to pick up and then panic as I remember at the last minute that last minute thing!

Take care all while we are away, djd will have heaps of piccies to share over the next few months.

Till next time diary

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March 10, 2005

Have a fantastic time in Aussie and I hope the cyclones keep far away and don’t affect the weather. Sounds as though this holiday is well overdue, hopefully the next won’t be so long in the waiting! *hugs*

Oh, have a marvellous time in Perth, both of you! And don’t panic, if you forget anything I believe that Perth has shops. *grin* It also may have cool weather; there’s a nasty rumour going around that it’s autumn in Australia, too. Perth’s weather moves on to us and I’m now rugging up every morning and evening, though the days are still clear and beautiful.

March 10, 2005

have a great holiday and enjoy some relaxing time, it sounds like you need it. 🙂

March 11, 2005

I’m just too excited to sleep sweets :O)

March 11, 2005

if you haven’t already gone.,…have a great time. It will be a tad warmer in Perth at least. Down here in QT its been cold all week until today……catch you later, huggles to you both

March 12, 2005

make good memories