Everyone else is moaning I think I will too

Well I don’t know if everyone is, and I really dont even know who is actually moaning, but since I’ve been told that there are people complaining (I class that as moaning) then I thought I would add my moan as well.

Its been said that people aren’t happy with the new look of open diary…..and they have a right to say so if they don’t…so I have a right to say…..I like it….it has everything I usually click on, it only takes one click now and not having to click and then choose again. I can go straight to my notes, my favourites, my latest entry and its all there easy for me to find.

I like change because most times it means improvement and I think this is definately an improvement.

What I dont like is moaners who because its changed moan….just because, it doesn’t look the same or just because they have to actually take a few more seconds to work out that you just have to click in a different spot and therefore it must be wrong!! or it doesn’t feel right. Well of course if wont feel right till you’ve used it a couple of times. If the change was difficult to use then yes I would agree about saying it was a bad change but the new look as far as I am concerned has made it easier!

If you had never been to this site before and entered for the first time you would have to find your way round and if you look at it like that the site would be easy to manouver about.

Anyway thats my moan 🙂

Not doing a hell of a lot today,  but have been very warned that today is the last time we will have a blobby weekend, and I do agree we have been rather lathegic for quite some time now. Everynow and then it would be great to have a blobby weekend but not every weekend.

When djd and I first met there wasn’t a weekend go by that we didnt do something together and the walks we went on were the best times ever and we loved them and it kept us fit. So its time to get back into all this, get the weight off and learn to love our active weekends again.

The poor garden has suffered long enough as well from our non active weekends and its Easter next weekend and we can have 4 days mucking about in the garden and getting it back to a beautiful state 🙂

So for today I think I will just add a few more things to the web page, see what havoc I can cause there so that djd will have to fix it up 🙂

Till next time diary

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April 7, 2006

And oh the pictures we will be able to take !! :O) Remember at the top of mt mccarrow where the native orchids were in flower :O) Bet we could be fit enough to get back up there by the spring if we start now :O)

April 7, 2006

I agree in that I like the new diary layout. Exercise is my problem as well, need to find that motivation and get my butt moving…doesn’t help that my hubby finds walks boring so you are one up on me! *hugs*

April 7, 2006

I was gobsmacked when I saw the moans with my own little eyes – get over yourselves fgs! I agree with you LilSis it’s really cool and soooo easy! Well done Big Chief I say – or is that Master?? Anyhoo – Yes you will love getting back into the walking you two – and I can’t wait to see the photos. Mount Kaukau here we come is it??

April 7, 2006

Lovely for you both to be active together. next time I`m having a blobby w`end I`m going to look up djd`s old pics of NZ-impossible to be blobby amid such fantastic scenery.