Does my diary still know that I am alive???

It has been a yaks age since I have written in here, and thanks Polz for your words of encouragement 🙂

So whats been happening, far too much to write about everything so a small breakdown of events as follows.

Christmas came and so did DD’s sister, hubby and their 2 boys. It was great to catch up with them and they seemed to really enjoy thier stay even if they managed to “do” the south island in 2 weeks!! They figured they would try and get in as much as they could as they had no idea when they would ever return again….shame really but who knows maybe it was enough to whet the appetite(sp).  The two boys were a handleful and a half, DD and I took them on for one day and I think we were a great hit, but so good to hand them back at the end of the day 🙂

DD has been for yet another interview for the a job down here in Welly but know its a waiting game and as time goes by DD’s optomism faids into the background. He is meant to hear something early this week but he doesn’t think it will be good news. And to then top it off he is off to see his new boss who takes over on the 1 March tomorrow to “discuss” his role, which he says is disappearing fast in front of his eyes, so goodness knows what they are going to be offering him for work. We might very well end up in Auckland yet!

SAE, well what can I say about her! She gave me a horrible scare at xmas time when things were not happening as they should and I thought I was going to end up a grandmother, but thankfully a false alarm and hopefully a wake up call for her to be more careful!! She passed her NCEA level one, so that was good news, she appears to like her teachers for this year which is always a major worry with her. If she doesn’t like the teachers its a continual battle everyday for her to go to school, so fingers crossed this lasts! But on the topsy turvey side, DickHead has agreed to allow the boyfriend to move in with them!!!!! I mean…..what is he thinking!!!!  Seperate rooms I am assuming but for goodness sake this is not healthy, what happens when those two get totally sick of each other, and they will!! There will be tears before bedtime I tell you!

I have realised in the last few months that I will never get around to divorcing dickhead unless I get a lawyer to do it for me, its just not easy when you don’t communicate with somebody to make them understand where they have to sign on a document and what information they have to fill in, so I have offically given up on the idea that I will do it myself and get the lawyer to do it for me.

Work is as busy as hell, like you would not believe and having my right hand partner away for the last week and this week has not helped. My boss wants me to get a temp in, and although that sounds wonderful a temp is only going to be good for answering phones and getting ppl to the counter….they are actually more work than making work easy!

Well thats about all the news for now. I’m not going to promise to write more as at the moment with DD son heredoing painting (which is just fabulous!!) its almost impossible to get to the puter as he likes to play games on here and I don’t mind him doing that as it means I get the TV room all to myself, cant win really. But the biggest problem is in the weekends as he sleeps in the room with the puter and doesn’t actually wake up till about 3pm (yes you read right!) every single day!!! I dont know how he does it!

anyway diary until we meet again.




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February 1, 2004

sooooooo good to see your name lit up, and the note you left..thanks. All I can say about the news of SAE is….WHEW !!! Reckon you need to get onto a lawyer soon before something else goes wrong and he blames you for it in some way. Hope D has some job luck soon, maybe you do both need to move further north after all?? *smile*. I have to dig up my lily bulbs now they’re finished? hugz

It’s good to see you writing here again. Welcome back! RYN: It’s nice to know I’m not the only one addicted to that dreadful game! (But I’ve now gone three days without it! Only 26 more to go!) I grinned at your suggestion of minesweep, which I haven’t ever tried. I’ve now received a number of ideas for ways to transfer my addiction from Free cell to another game! No thank you, not this month.

RYN: I’ve never been to Hong Kong, but the bus you describes sounded a bit like some of the Indonesian ones.I’ve had one or two experiences there I’m not at all keen to repeat. Thank you for your kind wishes on my birthday. (I had a great day, thoughnate way too much.•grin•)