Did I say it was going to be a good year?

I noticed I haven’t written an entry for 6 months and the last time I did was to boot the old year out that had been a rather disappointing and trying year to welcome in the hope of a better one

I was wrong, this year is no improvement and if anything is much worse.

First of djd finally goes to the doctor…thinking he had something going on in his tummy to discover he has diabetes….thats calling for some changes to our life style…to be fair they are not bad changes but changes non the less that need to be adjusted to and accepted.

But prior to him going late last year I had gone to the doctor…I have high blood pressure and immediately on pills to control it but that wasn’t the reason I went to the doctor either. The real reason I went was for woman issues….apart from djd I don’t think I have any men reading and if I do…tough….

I have such painful and messy periods I thought it time to find out if its menopause related….turns out its not…and off for a scan I go…just to see whats going on….and then off to a gyno to talk about having a merina inserted (coil). 

Seems like that is a good idea and hopefully should stop the periods…and on a side note the gyno tells me there is a fibrosis growth in my uterus and she wants a second scan done to be sure its not growing….sure no worries me thinks…wrong again.

Back to the gyno 3 weeks ago…and the growth has grown and she’s not happy and wants it out….that means a hysterectomy…possibly including ovaries….but that depends if after some blood tests I don’t have any hereditary blood clotting issues….but on no it doesn’t stop there….back to my doctor for a blood pressure check up and I tell her I had a episode of heart palpitations oh and by the way I’m going for an operation to have a hysterectomy and she immediately wants me to see a heart specialist.

So another specialist this time, another scan on the ticker this time and then the specialist….of course I’m not stressed by all this…what would give anyone that impression….certainly not ending up at the wrong hospital to have the tests done…surely not!

Anyway the specialist is happy with my heart…calls it a healthy heart except for one small thing which is more a curioustiy thing that anything to be concerned about…about 20% of people have this extra hole which does not close up after being born…yep that would have to be me….he seems happy enough with my blood pressure..sees no issues for the op…but wants to put a heart monitor on me for 24 hours just to make sure the palpitations are just an extra heart beat and nothing to worry about…follow up appointment next week for that.

So in another week is my op….and then I have up to 6 weeks of not working…rest and recovery……6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! and I have never had an operation before and I am so worried about it…not about losing my bits…better out than in at this stage…its the going under and coming back that worries me and the pain….I’m just dreading the whole thing……

I won’t be a very good patient….I have 3 nights in the hospital and then home where djd is going to look after me for the first week and then my mum will be here for the second…all so I wont do any stretching and bending….

The only good thing out of all this is that we have medical insurance and therefore I am going private and the personal care I should receive should be top class….I hope

So…I’m now saying the bad year for us started last July….and so come the end of July this year….its out with the old and in with the new….and it damn well better be a good one!!!!!!

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June 5, 2010

I’ll be right beside you sweets …… I should point out my 6 weeks of back pain started april 09………………

i so hope so too. you are overdue.

June 5, 2010

I had no idea you were having such a rough time of it. You’ve been active with travel and work despite all your medical challenges. What a lot to have thrown on your plate all at one time. Six weeks at home…and it’s your winter, isn’t it?

June 6, 2010

i hope the rest of the year is better and brings much needed healing for you. stress and worry takes a big toll, don’t it? *hugs*

June 6, 2010

fortunately fibroids are treatable, but its not much fun for you is it? Its good you went to check it out. Nice the see an entry from you…….keep warm and dry down in the windy city. We have drowned up here…..lol hugs P

June 8, 2010

sorry to read this!

Oh, I missed this! I’m so sorry you are both having such a rotten year. What a lot of stressful medical appointments! I imagine you are about to go into hospital/are already in hospital for your operation. I imagine everything will be fine – but knowing that logically doesn’t remove the stress, does it! And a whole six weeks at home, but restricted in what you can do, so you can’t enjoy it the way you would if it were a holiday. Drat! Thinking of you and looking forward to hearing that things went well Oh, just remembered: not everyone has bad experiences with general anaesthetic. I had one some years ago, came to feeling fine and almost euphoric – which was made even better by the sight of this very good-looking guy on the gurney next to mine! May you have an equally good experience.

June 14, 2010

How are you doing this week, Kid?