Days 9, 10, 11 &12

I have been rather occupied over the last few days with my sister and mother visiting. Sister has now gone south – literally as she lives in Dunedin but Mum has stayed on to stay with me next week while djd goes back to work.

Primarily I think my mothers role is to stop me doing things….which I suppose is a good thing….but the stress of her doing things is a lot to bear for djd and he has been such a wonderful man with the family visiting. He has cooked all the meals and done all the grocery shopping as well as still coming to my beck and call when I need him. The man deserves a medal or at least a lotto win!!

It really is so unfair he has to go back to that awful work place tomorrow and especially since I wont be there either!!!!

On the getting well front….I was going great guns until the end of this week when my left handside decided to remind me that it has not recovered yet…..its not a constant pain but it "groans" at me when I go to stand up and doesn’t like any pressure being placed on it….and on the right handside it looks like a stitch is poking through…I think that will need a visit to the doctor…I’m just not sure if its the gyno or my GP…something to find out tomorrow.

While my sister was here it was her birthday and djd and I spoilt her as only she deserved. One of the pressie we got for her was something she mentioned a few months back on face book… was about how as a child she had always wanted a jack’n’the box and had never been given one….so at the age of 57 I brought her a jack in the box….in a tin box, with the wind up music of "Pop goes the weasel" and just as the song gets to the Pop  –  up springs a cute teddy bear with a happy face…and even knowing what was going to happen, the look of surprise on her face was priceless 🙂 The jack in the box had several hours of amusement in it all morning.

Photo’s of the trip south we had in March.

As we left Lake Tekapo we went to an advantage point to look out over the lake…while driving back down….very cautiously…we came across what we think was a partridge.

The water canal was between Lake Tekapo and Lake Pukaki. There are salmon farms in parts of the canal and although the salmon are held in pens some escape and live in the canal but never venture to far from the food source. Then people get to fish for them, how wonderful would that be oulin to be roaming around and catching fish….you see below us Kiwi’s know how to use our RV’s to their best advantage 🙂

As you drive along in the distance is the Southern Alps…these are longer than the Swiss Alps…and have the majestic Mount Cook along its spine, of course it would have to have a cloud sitting on the top of it so you can not see the Mount in all its glory.

And whilst in Mt Cook we decided to go visit the lake with the glacier 

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first i thought about a new zealand quail? and then i found your bird. such pretty countryside…

June 27, 2010

I am trying to distinguish that bird too….maybe a kakapo or a weka? Glad you have had a nice family visit but please go and get a checkup with your GP….. Love Jack-in-the-box’s myself…….I am envious! lol hugs P

June 27, 2010

Oh, its a partridge!!!! Fancy that!!!! more hugs and smiles P

And not a pear tree in sight! *smile* I love the glacial blue of your lakes; so special. AND the mountains in the background. I hope the explanation for your pain is soon found and the pain given a “Get thee gone” very quickly.

June 27, 2010

I’m glad that you had a good visit…sorry to hear that djd was left watching your mom do the things she wanted to do.

June 27, 2010

RYN – Thank you – they grow up so fast don’t they? Thank you for stopping by, and yes – I think Oulin would be in heaven to travel there. It is so lovely.

June 28, 2010

You live in such a beautiful place! I am in awe of you being able to drive past glaciers and mountains. :o) !! hugs, Nicky

July 7, 2010

How is your recovery? Sorry if that makes it sound like drug rehab…snort.

Breathtaking scenery!

August 3, 2010

looks bloody cold!!!!!!!!!!!!