Day two- part one – too many piccies to share!!


Day two


Thunder in the night!!! So loud it shook the bungalow or that could have been the earthquake Djd felt instead?!?!?! Or was that just djd snoring? Djd didn’t sleep much could have something to do with sleeping on the plane over or after we arrived….but either way not a great sleep for him as he lay awake listening to the gecko shout into the night. I didn’t hear a thing except the thunder you couldn’t sleep through that if you were on sleeping pills.

Woke and had a hearty breakfast and a walk around the resort where a lot of “I bags” was going on in the photo shoot competition….I’m sure if we were seen people would have wondered who these strange people standing in the most beautiful garden settings sounding like a couple of seagulls going “mine” “mine” “mine”.


There are some really beautiful hibiscus and other various plants about. Here a few samples.




Below is one of my favourites, its beautiful little flower that was growing in the grass. I got the idea of taking pictures from the ground from another ODer LightButHearty. Its really amazing the pictures you can get from ground level…I have more to show in future entries.

Then we just blobbed…it was so warm so humid, we worked up a sweat just strolling around the grounds. We were in no rush to do anything, it was wonderful!!! and its only 10am.

It was a public holiday so across the lagoon kids were playing around in the trees and across the exposed reef.


It was great to hear the sounds of everyday life from the locals coming across from the other side of the lagoon. We would have hated to hear in our own backyard the sounds of suburbia but somehow here it was nice to hear the music floating across and the happy laughter of groups enjoying themselves.

I will write part two and publish in the next day. I love writing these entries it just brings everything back to me about the holiday and I get to relive the wonderful days all over again.

Till next time diary!

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June 10, 2006

These are wonderful photos…reminds me of National Geographic. The ground shots…I got that idea from TallGuyWrites. He takes beautiful photos in the UK and he is very creative. Check out his diary.

June 10, 2006

Wonderful pitures.

June 10, 2006

I’m sue you will have plenty of time tomorrow to do the next entry while i’m in sunncy Auckland getting shouted at ….. We need another Holiday !! :O After the lotto win though :O(

oh wow! oh wow! i looooove those photos! whew..especially the flowers!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing!

Oh, now I’ve been to the tropics twice in one day! Thank you! Aren’t the flowers spectacular! (or is it just your photographic skills that make them look so beautiful?)

June 10, 2006

How truly beautful! I second blobbing, that’s what holidays ar for! *hugs*

June 11, 2006

after just reading djd’s entry and now this…I am more envious than ever…wonderful photos ….those flowers are all too beautiful to choose….your photography is great.. thanks and love….P

June 11, 2006

Such beauty you were surrounded by! I love the photos, thanks for taking me there… even if it was by pics!

June 11, 2006

*swoons* Such WONDERFUL photos. Makes me want to go there , and that’s saying something, as I’d rather poke out my own eyes than get in an airplane and fly over water.

June 12, 2006

Truly magnificent – I am soooo impressed with your camera work :)! it looks a beautiful place I can see why you’d go there again – and again? Just beautiful.

June 12, 2006

those are great pictures and if I win the lottery I’ll be right over to vacation there too. 🙂

i feel that photography is really personal, so i don’t think you and djd should worry about taking shots of the same thing. you each have your own wonderful perspective. 🙂 absolutely LOVE that tree! amazing!