Day off

I decided to take an extra day and make it a long weekend……… birthday treat to myself. Only trouble was I saw a job I was interested in but it is with an agency and therefore involved meeting them, filling all there forms up and even having to sign off a security check!!!!

I’m not so sure if its a role I want but I may go through the pain of the interview but my pure hesitation makes me think that I am not going for this role for the right reasons.

Mum has decided she is going to go home tomorrow. Its been really hot here and since its too hot to go outside and do our gardening she is going to bugger off home and sit there instead of sitting around here 🙂 Which translate to mean that she is feeling more settled now. When the next lot of news comes thru she has options like coming here or going to sis to be with her. Only she will make that decision given the news she hears.

Its been stinking hot here today, I looked up a weather station off the internet for a suburb close to us, seeing how our weather station isnt working anymore, and it was 32deg at 4pm!!! and on the news it said we were a miserable 25deg…I dont think so!!!

Took cola to the vet today as well as she has been driving us mad with wanting her back scratched all the time. She has an allergy to fleas and she picked some up from djd which has inflamed her back and all she wants to do is be scratched or rub her back against the walls or furniture. So the vet did an overall spray of frontline and an injection of steriods and then 6 days of antibiotics. So hopefully she is on the mend now.

Well better sing off now as a mini series has started on tv and I want ot watch it (The incredible journey of Mary Bryant)

Oh I forgot to mention, I’m writing my entry on my birthday gift from djd, he brought me a notebook (laptop) and now I can sit in the lounge and type my entries and google and surf too my hearts content. I just have to start to download all my usual programmes like yahoo etc. I’m very pleased with my pressie.

Just a slight amendment to my entry, I posted this and then djd read it and didnt feel he had the recognisition he so very much deserves for getting me this wonderful gift, the one that will give me the pleasure of doing what I want while still having the luxury of having his company with me as I do it. He is such a wonderful person who treats me so like a princess that I can feel that pea under our bed at night. He is the best man I have ever known and so need to have a statue built in his honour, in fact maybe thats what I will do for his birthday. DJD if I was a queen instead of a princess I would knight you…….right where is that puke bucket!!!

Till next time diary

Log in to write a note
February 4, 2006

Now I can leave a note :O) I’m glad you like the Laptop :O) And by the way 0 you do sarcasm so very very well my dear :O)

February 15, 2006

Missed this entry somehow but now I’ve found it I will leave a note. Saw you with the laptop. It is just about a permanent part of your anatomy!! You will be able to tap away to heart’s desire now. A regular little Shirley Temple of the keyboard aren’t you??!!! djd is sooo good to you, I think a statue in the garden would be appropriate …