Day 8

Well its been just over a week and although I am sure I am making good progress today taught me that I am still recovering….we went to a cafe on our way to go get some groceries but having sat there for half an hour my wound started to hurt and I couldn’t go any further…djd took me home and I have taken it easy for the rest of the day

Oh and am I getting old or what…yesterday was Tuesday not Wednesday and my mother and sister arrive Thursday….so got the days completely messed up…go figure

So nothing to tell ya today…but I did get some pictures done…here we go

Christchurch flower shower Mar 2010


Lake Tekapo



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June 23, 2010

Like the window shot :O)

oh i do hope you are getting better and better! !

June 23, 2010

that second pic of the orange blooms ( zinnias?) is breathtaking…and I recognize that stone church – (Tekapo?). Its very easy to lose track of the days when routines change, particularly when we are housebound and in recovering. Be kind to yourself. hugs P

June 24, 2010

Those flowers are a riot of colour.

June 24, 2010

take it on the slow side of things…… just for awhile yet.

Lovely! What is the story behind the dog, I wonder? Or is it just a tribute to sheep dogs and the part they play in New Zealand farm life?