Day 5

Well guess what I did today…nothing…thats right you guessed it 

Had a bad night with the wound….seems no matter what I did I could not get comfortable in bed and even lying on my back seemed to be putting strain on it….it really stings when I strain it too much….I suspect my doing nothing today, except sit on my big fat arse, is probably a good thing

Looked at getting us to Taiwan in a circular trip around asia…not proving that easy to do with only using one airline company even when trying star alliance …hmm…might just have to take a long haul flight…which surprisingly took me all day to discover. Anyone use a good online site to do airline bookings?? I have been to several but you just never know you may know one I haven’t yet visited 🙂

djd has cleaned the pantry out today…he is so industrious…yesterday he cleaned the yellow room and vacuumed and walked the dog both days by himself and cooked all the meals….he’s going to get very sick of me not doing anything 🙁

My sister has arrived in Palmy for a weeks holiday with our mother – mother has a list of chores for sister to do…1st on the list is to hang new curtains in her lounge.

One of my other sisters had a shoulder surgery 6 weeks ago which none of us knew about…she rang me this week to find out how I was!!!! She is off work for 4 months!!!  We as a family really love to keep to ourselves, not even mum knew she had had the surgery.  Mum has now rung her and had a chat

anyway I really must do something about getting my south island pictures in order and start posting…in the meantime I went back to old ones 



Wish I was there right now!!


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moving is good for you. not moving may cause adhesions.

June 19, 2010

You know how much I love a good bee photo.

June 20, 2010

Nice Photo’s :O) Happy memories :O)

June 20, 2010

nothing can be good!

June 20, 2010

love the bumble bee!!! Sorry you are having trouble getting comfy to sleep….its not fun. If your sister had the same shoulder as I did, she will also have difficulty getting comfortable at night for a while. Not fun getting older, is it? healing hugs coming thru….. P

June 20, 2010

ps…sorry I can’t recall the name of that programme about Taiwan…..not even sure which channel it was now. But it does look a beautiful place. Enjoy your plans. p

June 20, 2010

nice to be busy!

Oh, that bee! I’m backing away from my computer! Such reflective scenes (I think that’s a pun, but an unintended one) Everything looks so serene.