Day 4

Not a heck of a lot to tell ya…still mending…my left side is a niggle to me when I cough…as in it hurts…but it too will mend the rest just reminds me its there yet but not sore -)

did nothing today except started to look at potential holiday destinations for next year…we have to save like crazy of course but it gives us a real incentive to put our minds to it.

So far the thoughts have been around – Taiwan – we think it might be like Hong Kong was 15 years ago before it started to tart itself up too much…we want to see the old villages and the wonderful countryside…but thats only the fist thought

We could look at a return visit to Western Australia…..starting up in Darwin and winding down to Perth and below, could even add in a quick trip to Bali. Or drive from Sydney to Adelaide as an option. 

I’m thinking a 4 weeks trip about….so plenty of places to choose from…what I have found in the last few trips is we really dont like flights being more than 5hours max….so 4 weeks would give us a chance to hop possibly from country to country.

We have so many dreams of places to go, China would be another big one to consider….England is pretty high on the list as well, to be able to take djd home so he could see his family and do more of his genealogy would be wonderful but would take far more than 4 weeks. America and driving the state of California in an RV would be on the wish list as well….maybe one for the distant future though…but who knows…tonight we could win lotto 🙂

Anyway we have yet to save the money….just planning planning planning



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planning is great fun!

June 18, 2010

I could really get into planning a vacation…best wishes on the Lotto tonight. We forgot to buy a ticket.

Ooooh, China! That’s high on my list, if I ever stop just returning to Indonesia. But I’d also like to go to the Galapagos Islands; a neighbour has just returned from there and he said it was wonderful!

June 19, 2010

there was a lovely progrsmme last night about Taiwan, certainly inspired me to go there some day….it was on the Living Channel I think. Did you see it? Keep getting well….you have a great incentive. hugs P