Day 3

tis already the 3rd day after my op….all went well…results due today hopefully as to whether its just a fibroid or something more nasty…I’m have just not thought of it being the "c" word…although that was the very reason for having the op…was to remove the uterus with the offending lump…anyway today will tell… 

I should still be in hospital….this is the day I should be coming out but I made such good progress with getting up and walking about the day after the op that the doc was impressed along with all the bodily functions that should be occurring 🙂 The night of the op I was in so much pain…I had had so much morphine that the nurse wanted me to stop using it for a while as I had also been vomiting…none of these things are good things straight after surgery …for 2 hours I watched the tick of a clock every minute go by while struggling to ignore/get through the pain……I finally couldn’t take it and did the morphine again…sleep at last…if only short. The next morning they wanted me out of bed and in the shower and I am thinking you have to be kidding me!!!!!! But I did it…and then I did a walk…and the breathing…and the coughing….and then I did more walking….not far just enough…but I was up and mobile….djd couldn’t believe the change in me from the morning when in his words "a dead person had more colour in their face than you did!" to me sitting up and rosy cheeks in the evening when he came to see me. I then started eating ….so within one day…I made a huge change from being in extreme pain and to managing everything….yeah me 🙂

So last night I came home and sleep in the spare room…cause even though we had made our bed all snuggly for my return its too high for me to get into and so the spare bed is it for me for the next few days until I have a bit more strength in the old tummy area…oh I should explain it was a cut across the tummy a so called bikini line….like I would be seen dead in a bikini…..hehe. Slept well though which was the main thing.

So djd is home and taking wonderful care of me…bringing me lots of drinks and making me lovely food and making sure I dont over do it or do anything if the truth be known… day at a time…I have to laugh though as on facebook he is winding up his sisters in saying I’m doing the cups of tea and cooking….he is naughty 🙂 but I love him 🙂

So what the hell am I going to do over the next few weeks…well there are lots of things that I could do, like make sure I keep a diary entry going, work on my photo’s and start showing them off again…plot for a trip away at xmas time perhaps or a much bigger trip away next year in Apr/May….I could spend time actually working on a better eating plan for djd and I so we can better control his diabetes which still needs to come under control.
Well what to do what to do…and in my head I hear djd say….just rest and get well 🙂

Wish I was travelling with oulin in the RV…I bet I would get lots of rest there 🙂

Right off….well already there actually…to watch the biggest loser…love that program and we are 2 sessions behind….chao….

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June 17, 2010

I am glad you are home again and all is well. DJD must be a very good nurse. He will have to hang out laundry etc too as you will be unable to stretch…… take care, and get well soon. hugs P

i wish you were here too, but that flight might be a bit much.

June 17, 2010

Jutst take life easy for a few weeks …for the first time in your 40 blub blub years :o)

June 18, 2010

You are such a trooper and it shows. You’ve made remarkable progress in a short time. Don’t overdo it, although if you want my vote I’m in favour of you working on your photos and showing them off on OD. Smile. I love The Biggest Loser. Jullianne Michaels is producing a new show called Losing It in which she moves in with a family for five days and gets them on the right track. She then comes back to see them in 8 weeks. The results are impressive and she does some wonderful counselling.

Nasty djd making you do the cups of tea and cooking! *grin* I’m glad that the op. is over and you are recovering quickly – though those first few hours don’t sound nice at all. Yes, rest and recuperate – and plan future holidays. (You haven’t seen Victoria yet, you know.)